Got an idea for improving the quality of life in Van Nuys? The Van Nuys Neighborhood Council is the place! “Our goal is to be the go to source for residents and stakeholders on solving community problems, enhancing the community, and improving the quality of life and engage community members, regardless of what language they speak!” said VNNC President Michael Browning.

Just how did we collaborate in 2021 and what can we expect in 2022?

So glad you asked!

In 2021 we honored the work of our front-line workers at LAUSD who were distributing Grab and Go meals to families by celebrating them at our July Meeting, along with LAUSD School Board President Kelly Gonez. Each worker received a certificate of appreciation and thanks for a job well done.

We expanded our visibility by replacing worn light pole banners with 25 new banners on three main streets – Van Nuys Boulevard, Sherman Way, and Sepulveda. While were not able to participate in personal outreach for most of the year, due to City rules regarding protection from the spread of COVID 19, we prepared for future outreach by acquiring masks, reusable grocery bags and other useful items branded with the VNNC logo.

Our Neighborhood Purposes Grants have been focused on partnering with local organizations to support individuals and families in need.

  • Our grant to the Hope of the Valley Bridge Home in Van Nuys helps formerly homeless individuals overcome barriers to finding a job and obtaining housing (such as paying a fee for a driver’s license or credit check).
  • Our grant to ONEgeneration helped support their 2021 Senior Symposium in June.
  • With our grant to North Valley Caring Services in December, we joined two other North Valley Neighborhood Councils in provided funding to support the agency’s holiday celebration and food distribution to families in need.

Despite the pandemic, 2021 was the year when elections were held for half of the seats on Neighborhood Councils throughout the City of LA. As a result of the election in the Spring, we were pleased to welcome 4 new Board members (Myrra Bolla, Jeffrey Dunn, Kibwe Trim, and Haille Trimboli) and celebrate returning members Hakop Azatyan, Michael Browning, John Camera, John Hendry, and Lillian Macias.

In the fall we conducted outreach to find Van Nuys stakeholders to appoint to vacant seats and serve as at-large members until the next election in 2023. Between November and January, we appointed 4 people to fill vacancies (including Glen Makiri, Danielle Rouillard, Suju Vijayan, and Matthew Wayne). We are proud to say that we have all but two of our 21 seats filled.

Our goal in 2022 is to continue to build on our foundation of collaboration across our Board and community. We invite you to join us by applying for an open seat, joining a committee or attending a Board Meeting (2nd Wednesday) or Committee Meeting. See our calendar for details.

We invite you to help us serve the community as we evaluate how to distribute about $9,000 in Neighborhood Purposes Grants to local organizations in a manner that benefits Van Nuys. If you have a suggestion of a worthy project, please contact VNNC President Michael Browning at [email protected].