At the VNNC meeting on October 13th, Board members voted unanimously to adopt a Community Impact Statement (CIS) to oppose the way Van Nuys has been treated in the proposed City Council Redistricting map K-2.5. The lead paragraph of the CIS reads as follows:

Based on a review of Map K-2.5, the Board of the Van Nuys Neighborhood Council (VNNC) strongly objects and opposes the division of the VNNC’s geographic area between Council District N (2 or 4) and Council District M (6) and strongly requests that the boundary of District M (6) be extended west to the 405 Freeway so that the VNNC territory is covered by a single City Council District.

redistricting map

Click the Community Impact Statement link to see the reasons why the Board opposes this map. You can view the map at the this link . District 6 is orange. Zoom in to see more detail on how the boundary lines are drawn.

The last Public Hearing of the Los Angeles City Council Redistricting Commission will be on Saturday morning, October 16th, beginning at 10 a.m. The VNNC Vice President, Kathy Schreiner, will have an opportunity to make a public comment to express strong opposition to the map K-2.5.

Members of the community who also object to the map are encouraged to express their concerns. A written comment can be submitted digitally by clicking link and filling out form. Forms submitted before Saturday’s meeting will have the most impact on the Commission.

Individuals may also try to access the meeting and join the queue to make a 1-minute verbal comment at Saturday’s hearing. Zoom link (Unfortunately, due to time limitations, not everyone who joins by Zoom or phone and “raises their hand” will get called on. But it is worth trying.)

Additional Meetings may have been added. Check the hearing schedule.