VNNC Swearing In2019 began a new chapter for the Van Nuys Neighborhood Council as we held an election, thanked outgoing members for their service and swore in new members in June. We have had a change in leadership, electing new officers and new committee chairs have stepped up. Everyone is working on learning how to work together and be mindful of how Neighborhood Councils are to function.

Our focus is to give stakeholders the opportunity to consider and make their voice heard on a few key issues each meeting, allowing the Board to then vote on sending a Community Impact Statement to City Council which is the official way we are able to represent our constituents.

Bridge Housing structureTopics we have heard and weighed in on include:

  • Supported a call to LADWP to adopt a 100% real, clean energy by 2030 scenario as part of its ongoing 100% Renewable Study
  • Supported completing an Environmental Impact Study for the Bus Rapid Transit in North San Fernando Valley
  • Supported Permanent Supportive Housing at 14142 W Vanowen with 64 units in a currently vacant lot
  • Supported a Vacancy Tax as a strategy to increase the amount of homes available to rent.
    Supported Medicare for All
  • Bridge Housing for 7700-7798 Van Nuys Blvd

Our committees are up and running and an easy way for you to plug in and make a difference. From Beautification to Planning and Land Use, we have something for everyone. Check them out here:

Van Nuys High School Cheerleader held high“My 2020 Vision is to support Van Nuys to grow and flourish, making it a safer place to live and a shining example of success and resilience,” shares VNNC President Sam Woolf.

All of our meetings are open to the public and present you will an opportunity to share in our public exchange of ideas so that we might collectively make our Van Nuys voice heard! Join us second Wednesdays at 7pm at the Marvin Braude Constituent Service Center, 6262 Van Nuys. For more information please contact [email protected].