Christmas giveaway event organized by VNNC board member Maria Skelton featuring a group picture of Delano Park staff, fellow VNNC board member Jeanette Hopp, Angie Armayo of State Assemblyman Adrin Narzarian and Eduardo “Duke” Perez (holding a certificate).

My Fellow Citizens, 

The Van Nuys Council will be having our January General Meeting this coming Wednesday in our Council Chambers.  As you know, we meet at 6262 Van Nuys Boulevard the second Wednesday of every month, so please come by and voice your concerns and goals for our community in 2018 and beyond.
Thank you for your continued interest in Van Nuys, the San Fernando Valley, and the Los Angeles area.  Our meeting will promptly start at 7:00pm and we will be done by midnight.  I invite you to get more involved with the Van Nuys Neighborhood Council, and maybe possibly apply to become a “Council Ambassador” in the future.
It is a special privilege to serve as the Council President and Honorary Mayor of Van Nuys, and thank you for this great opportunity to be a part of our community.  
-George Christopher Thomas, Council President & Honorary Mayor of Van Nuys
Van Nuys Neighborhood Council

General Meeting Agenda (VNNC)

Van Nuys Neighborhood Council
January 10th, 2018 (Wednesday 7:00pm – 11:59pm)
6262 Van Nuys Blvd — Van Nuys, CA 91401
Council Chambers @ Marvin Braude Constituent Service Center

1. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America
2. Roll Call (Quorum Call)
3. Comments from the Chair (President) of the Van Nuys Neighborhood Council
4. Secretary’s Report — Jeanette Hopp  — Approval of December Minutes 
5. Treasurer’s Report — Veronica Marin and/or Second Signatory — Approve Treasurer’s Report & Monthly Expenditure Reports (MER) from December 2017
6. Committee Chairperson’s Reports, Budget Advocate’s Report, Elected Officials’ Reports & Election Chair’s Report
7. New Business
a. The VNNC to feature State Assemblyman Adrin Nazarian in its ongoing “Distinguished Speaker Series.”  The Assemblyman will address the Council for 15 minutes, with a question and answer session to follow the speech.  The VNNC will also take 5 minutes to brainstorm with the Assemblyman and come up with four new ways to collaborate with his office in 2018. 
b. The VNNC to look into hiring Wendy Moore of Moore Business Results.  The VNNC to continue to discuss possible work assignments for Ms. Wendy Moore, including marketing, email address capturing and press release distribution.  The VNNC to vote on the expenditure of $350 a month.  (Funding NTE $350) 
c. The VNNC to formally elect Committee Chairs at the January General Meeting.  The VNNC to publicly discuss the roles of the committees, and potentially setting a list of 3-5 goals for the committee to accomplish in 2018.  The VNNC also to consider giving each committee a budget of $1000 for operating expenses and miscellaneous needs.  (NTE $6000)
d. The VNNC to continue hosting a “Taste Of Van Nuys” at its January General Meeting.  The VNNC to pick one ethnically diverse restaurant per month in order to sample the delicious dishes from the businesses that make up the community of Van Nuys.  The VNNC to continue to reach out to different restaurants and businesses in Van Nuys to continue the “Taste Of Van Nuys” at least once a month.  (NTE $150 a month)
e. The VNNC to vote on and take action on filling the one remaining vacant council seat currently on the roster.  The VNNC to also consider making the seats an “At-Large” designation until the end of the term of the seat, as to make it easier to fill for those that seek to represent their community.
f. Discussion and Possible Action. 7002-7004 Van Nuys Blvd. Mixed Use Development, Vesting Zoning Change. Requesting to allow a zoning change from [T][Q] C2-1L to RAS4-1L to permit a new construction for a 170-unit mixed used development. Case no#: CPC- 2017-0737. (Zachary Andrews/ three6ixty.)  
g. The VNNC to discuss and take possible action on proposal from Councilman Mike Browning.  The language is as follows: “Currently there are large blue recycling dumpsters on Van Nuys streets in front of multi-family housing units.  The dumpster are attracting graffiti and illegal dumping.  The dumpsters are always on the street and sometimes block available parking spaces.  I propose a VNNC discussion on the policy for the recycling dumpsters and suggestions on improving it. it would be great if a City representative could participate in the discussion.”
h. The VNNC to begin to generate and brand the Van Nuys area to create a specific identity and neighborhood feel.  The VNNC to establish the “Official Flower of Van Nuys” as well as the “Official Motto Of Van Nuys” and the “Official Mineral of Van Nuys.” For example the California State Flower is the golden poppy.  (Background information: Official State Flower of California — The California poppy (Eschscholzia Californica) was designated the state flower of California in 1903. Also known as the flame flower, la amapola, and copa de oro (cup of gold), the California poppy grows wild throughout the state. Native Americans in California valued the poppy as a food source and for the oil extracted from the plant.  Every year, April 6 is California Poppy Day and May 13th – 18th is Poppy Week. Gold is a theme in California symbols; the state colors are blue and gold, the state nickname is The Golden State, and gold is the official state mineral.)
i. The VNNC to completely and official review the bylaws and the amended changes.  The VNNC to discuss once again all bylaws and amended changes.  The VNNC to vote on and accept the current bylaws before the council, and all amended changes.
j. The VNNC to discuss and take possible action on the proposed language.  “Under Article V Governing Board 1) Section 7: Absences, (the language was changed to) {(Any Director who misses three (3) unexcused consecutive regular board meetings in any six (6) month period may be subject to removal by majority vote of the Board.)}”
k. The VNNC to discuss and take possible action on the proposed language. “2) Under Article V Governing Board Section 3: Selection of Officers (the language was changed to ) Section 12: Selection of Officers {The Board will elect its Officers every two (2) years by simple majority vote by the Directors present at the General Board meeting. The selection of Officers will take place in July of that year.(starting in 2019, then 2021, followed by 2023 etc.////The wording “The selection of Officers will take place in July of every odd number year.” was also acceptable)} (there already is a Section 3 in Article V).
l. The VNNC to discuss and take possible action on the proposed language. “3) Under Article V Governing Board Section 4: Officer Terms (the language was changed to ) Section 13: Officer Terms {(The Officers shall serve a term of two (2) years. There are no term limits.)} ( there already is a Section 4 in Article V).”
m.  The VNNC to discuss and take possible action on the new “Council Ambassador” program being proposed by Councilman George Thomas.  The VNNC to consider offering these positions to 30 prominent community leaders in the area, as well as others that may qualify.  The VNNC to also look into designing a sash for new Council Ambassadors. (NTE $1000)
n. The VNNC to nominate and vote for Mr. Hendry to become the  VNNC HISTORIAN.  Mr Hendry has served 13 years as a Van Nuys Councilman.  Mr HENDRY needs “title and acknowledgement”  for his application to AMTRAK–NAT PARK SERVICE “Trails to Rails” docents on the COAST STARLIGHT. 
o. Discussion and possible action for the VNNC to hire a certified court reporter to transcribe an interview of a VNNC Boardmember in regards to a possible litigation matter.  (NTE $750).
8. Public Comment (on matters within the VNNC Board’s jurisdiction.) *Speaker Cards: 2 minutes, 1 Public Comment Time. (This includes speaker cards on any and all agenda items — a limit of 10 minutes for the entire meeting per Stakeholders and Councilmembers alike.) 
9. Announcements
10. Adjournment