On December 6th, the LA Board of Water and Power Commissioners will review 15 metrics within four core categories that are proposed for inclusion in LADWP’s Equity Metrics Data Initiative (EMDI). The metrics will be available to our customers and the public by February 2017, and will be updated semiannually; concurrently with the Rates Metrics reporting. We invite all interested customers, Neighborhood Councils and other stakeholders to attend or tune in to the Board meeting to learn more about this important data-driven initiative that tracks and reports how LADWP spends ratepayer funds across the City. We will also share the Board presentation with you as soon as it is final.
The Board of Water and Power Commission meets on Tuesday, December 6, 10 a.m. at the LADWP Headquarters, 111 N. Hope Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012. To watch the meeting online, go to www.ladwp.com/board and click on “Board Meeting Video, Minutes, and Agenda Archive.” To listen remotely, there are two ways: Call (213) 621-CITY and follow the prompts to listen to the Board of Water and Power Commission meeting, or dial (213) 367-0100 and enter the access code: 80498813.
What is the Equity Metrics Data Initiative?
As part of the LADWP Rate Action approved by the Mayor and City Council earlier this year, and subsequently reviewed and approved by the Board, LADWP established the Equity Metrics Data Initiative (EMDI) to track, measure and report on how LADWP programs are provided to all LADWP customers and residents of Los Angeles. The EMDI establishes a framework that helps ensure that we provide fair and reasonable services to all ratepayers.
An outreach meeting was held in July 21 to present an initial set of metrics, and to solicit the ideas and feedback from stakeholders. Input was presented to the Board of Water and Power commissioners in August 2016, when the EMDI was officially adopted. Another stakeholder outreach meeting was held on October 11 to further fine-tune the metrics which will be launched in February 2017.
We encourage you to share this invitation with any individuals, organizations or other stakeholders who you feel may be interested in learning more about this first of its kind initiative in the City of LA.
For more information, email equitymetrics@ladwp.com.