UPDATE – Upcoming City Council Committee Hearings on Cannabis/Marijuana


UPDATE – Upcoming City Council Committee Hearings on Cannabis/Marijuana

The City Council is in the beginning stages of an open and public conversation about how best to regulate all aspects of the marijuana, or cannabis, industry within the City of Los Angeles. It also marks another important opportunity for the Neighborhood Councils to be fully engaged in the City’s legislative process and truly have a seat at the table. As Chair of the REIRN Committee that will oversee this process and also oversees Neighborhood Councils, once again this is your time to shine and show the City and its residents the importance and value you bring to City government. These are your communities … your neighborhoods, and together we will have a robust conversation about the regulatory issues concerning the cannabis industry and a healthy debate prior to recommending anything to the full City Council.

As part of our conversation over the next few months, we are requesting that each Neighborhood Council, Alliance, and citywide committee agendize this item for discussion and action at your October or November meetings. We want you to take advantage of this opportunity to provide the City Council’s REIRN Committee with Community Impact Statements, white papers, suggestions and recommendations. We will consider all the information provided to us prior to the City Council making any major decisions.

Furthermore, we plan on holding at least three regional meetings throughout the City, partnering with the Neighborhood Council Alliances, the Neighborhood Councils in each region, and cannabis industry groups to host and participate as full partners in this conversation.

Please see below for the new updated schedule

Wed. Nov. 2nd @ 6pm – Nate Holden Performing Arts Center – 4718 W. Washington Blvd. Los Angeles, CA 90016

Tues. Nov. 29th @ 6pm – Los Angeles City Hall, John Ferraro Council Chambers – 200 N. Spring Street, 3rd Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90012

Wed. Dec. 7th @ 6pm – Van Nuys City Hall, Council Chambers – 14410 Sylvan Street, 2nd Floor Van Nuys, CA 91401 (in lieu of cancelled Mon. Oct. 24th meeting)


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