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Dear Van Nuys Council leaders,
We had a great Neighborhood Council Budget Day on Saturday with a lovely breakfast and awesome speakers from
Council President Herb Wesson to Controller Ron Galperin to Budget and Finance Chair Councilmember Paul Krekorian
to CAO Miguel Santana to name just a few. Afterwards, the various regions selected their Budget Advocates for the next
year. Many thanks to the outgoing Budget Advocates, particularly Co-Chairs Terrence Gomes and Liz Amsden, for their
amazing work this past year. We welcome the new Budget Advocates led by seasoned Co-Chairs Liz Amsden and Jay
Handal and look forward to working with you! As summer closes, just a few things to highlight for August: the FY2016-
2017 Strategic Budget Packages are due on September 1st, the Clean Streets LA Challenge is accepting applications
and the EmpowerLA Leadership Academy is offering a first of its kind training to Neighborhood Council board members
interested in going “Beyond Neighborhood Councils.” Check out all the details below! We know that there is a lot to take in
as a Neighborhood Council board member so we’ve created a Neighborhood Council Journey – One Stop Shop to help
guide you with everything you need to do and know about the Neighborhood Council system. Also, please don’t hesitate
to contact the Neighborhood Council Support Helpline at [email protected] or by calling (213) 978-1551 if you have
any questions.
Administrative Update:
The Neighborhood Councils’ temporary service agreements and training contracts were approved by the Board of
Neighborhood Commissioners and are now with the Mayor’s Office for final review and approval.
Funding Updates:
Thanks for the feedback on our new Neighborhood Council Funding Guide. If you haven’t already seen it, please click on
this link to check it out and let us know what you think!
A friendly reminder that this is the last month to submit your Neighborhood Council’s Fiscal Year 2016-17 Strategic
Budget Package. Please be sure to complete it online through our website. The due date is September 1st, by close of
business (5 PM).
Funding Workshops have been scheduled for the following dates: Friday, August 12th at the EmpowerLA City Hall office,
1p-4p, and August 23rd, 6-9 pm location TBD. Please select your preferred date and RSVP here.
Field Updates:
As we are starting to see with Controller Ron Galperin and Councilmember David Ryu as well as the numerous
Neighborhood Council board members being appointed to City Commissioners or hired on as City staff, Neighborhood
Councils are becoming a stepping stone to other positions in the City. For those of our Neighborhood Council members
who have such aspirations, we’ll be offering a special EmpowerLA Leadership Academy session “Beyond Neighborhood
Councils – How to Run for Higher Office, Get Appointed to a City Commission or Find a Job with the City” on August 23,
2016 at 6 pm at the Los Angeles Central Library Mark Taper Auditorium located at 630 West 5th Street in Downtown LA.
Registration opens at 5:30 pm on August 23rd, 2016. Look for more information in our weekly Friday newsletter as we get
closer to the date.
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EmpowerLA Town Halls:
We will be wrapping up our EmpowerLA Town Halls in August with sessions at the Harbor Alliance of Neighborhood
Councils, the Los Angeles Neighborhood Council Coalition and the South Los Angeles Alliance of Neighborhood
Councils. If you want to weigh in online instead, please click here.
Welcome Home Project:
The best mechanism for participating in the Welcome Home Project is to ask those individuals who are interested to do so
in their private capacity. If the Neighborhood Council would like to do this as an official event, please be reminded that
there are significant restrictions on how a government entity hosts a public event. If the Neighborhood Council would like
to sponsor an event, please contact the Department of Neighborhood Empowerment for approval of the event. Please
remember that any and all necessary permits will be required for the event; in addition, the location will need to be
reviewed and approved by the Department in conjunction with Risk Management. Neighborhood Councils should be
reminded that, as a government entity, there are difficulties in hosting a public event at a private home, for example, the
home and adjacent area must comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
Outreach Updates:
Outreach for your Neighborhood Councils starts now so make sure that you complete your Outreach Survey in the
Strategic Budget Package to see where you may need to support in reaching different stakeholders in your communities.
One way to engage members of your community is by participating in one of the citywide campaigns, such as the Clean
Streets LA Challenge. You’ll have an opportunity to partner with your local community organizations to submit for a grant
from a $25,000 pot, thanks to a partnership with the Board of Public Works and Los Angeles Sanitation. Check out this
great opportunity!
Neighborhood Councils have until August 24th, 2016 to make a decision on whether to continue using NationBuilder or to
opt-out. To help with outreach for the 2016 elections, EmpowerLA was covering the cost of NationBuilder. Moving
forward, pricing for NationBuilder can be anywhere from $30/month to $60/month, depending on your Neighborhood
Council’s emailing needs. If your Neighborhood Council would like to continue using NationBuilder, please email
[email protected] and let us know.
Policy Updates:
Council File: 14-0366-S5 relative to Proposition D, Medical Marijuana Dispensaries and Adult Use of Medical Marijuana
Act was introduced on May 18, 2016 and referred to Rules, Elections, Intergovernmental Relations and Neighborhoods
Committee. On June 13, 2016, the committee scheduled the item for June 17, 2016. On June 17, 2016, the committee
continued item to August 19, 2016.
The Los Angeles City Council is assessing options to determine how to better address Proposition D. The City of Los Angeles
has diligently worked to regulate Medical Marijuana Dispensaries. In response to the city’s regulations, the voters of the
City of Los Angeles enacted Proposition D in May of 2013, which passed with almost 63 percent voting in favor of the
Proposition D has been the main guidelines utilized by the City of Los Angeles to provide the necessary enforcement and
regulatory framework for medical marijuana in the absence of state regulation. Though this tool has helped the City
regulate dispensaries, others still remain operating illegally. Because of this, this motion calls for a change to make
adjustments to Proposition D allowing the City’s medical marijuana regulatory framework to better conform with state
law prior to January 1, 2018.
The City of Los Angeles is looking to explore financial feasibility associated with the recreational use, cultivation,
distribution, manufacturing, processing, and testing of marijuana.
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The motion is instructing the Chief Legislative Analyst (CLA) and the City Administrative Office (CAO), with the assistance
of the City Attorney’s office, the Department of City Planning, the Department of Building and Safety, the Office of
Finance, and the Police Department, to report back with options for a March 2017 ballot measure that will allow
Proposition D compliant dispensaries to conform to the newly created medical marijuana state licensing system,
increase penalties and enforcement to close down all illegal marijuana-related businesses, create a regulatory
framework for the City to implement the Adult Use of Marijuana Act (AUMA) if approved in November, and extend
Proposition D’s gross receipts tax to all marijuana-related businesses.
Has your Neighborhood Council submitted a Community Impact Statement (CIS) on the matter?
If not, click here to log in to submit your CIS.
To subscribe to this Council File click here.
Update – Council File: 16-0125-S2 relative to Nuisance Motels, Police Department Service Calls and Permit Feasibility
Study is currently pending in the Public Safety Committee and a hearing date has not been determined. The City of Los
Angeles is looking to explore the feasibility of a regulation program for nuisance motels that attract gang activity, drug
use and prostitution. Such a program would have to be based on crime and calls-for-service statistics which would
support the need to regulate motels. This motion is asking for a study to determine whether or not a police permit
regulation is necessary to improve the safety issues at motels in the City. This is a citywide concern and necessary steps
are needed in order to have an effective regulatory system in place.
If the Public Safety Committee approves this motion and any related reports (A YES vote) the matter will be scheduled to
go before the City Council with the committees’ recommendations to support the motion.
If the Public Safety Committee does not approve this motion (A NO vote) the matter is still referred to the full City
Council for deliberations, further instructions, or approval.
Has your Neighborhood Council submitted a Community Impact Statement (CIS) on the matter?
If not, click here to log in to submit your CIS.
To subscribe to this Council File click here.
Please continue to the next page to see your Account Balances, Community Impact Statements,
Agendas, Board Member certification status, Expired Ethics Certificates, Neighborhood Council
cases, Important dates, and Existing Vendors for NCs.
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Account Balances, Community Impact Statements, and Agendas
As of 07/31/2016, your current checking account balance is $9,186.73, and as of 08/01/2016, you have
$32,152.09 in your city account
As of 8/1/2016, you have filed 2 Community Impact Statements, and 5 agendas have been posted for your
Neighborhood Council for the current month..
Please continue to next page to see your Board Member certification status, Expired Ethics
Certificates, Neighborhood Council cases, Important dates, and Existing Vendors for NCs.
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Your current Board Members and their certification are as follows:
First Name Last Name Board Seat Ethics
Code of
Jeremy Pessoa Resident Representative
Zone 1 (2016)
2/28/2018 4/10/2016 4/10/2016
Quirino de la Cuesta Resident Representative
Zone 2 (2018)
7/1/2018 8/27/2013 12/17/2014
John Hendry Resident Representative
Zone 3 (2016)
8/19/2017 8/19/2015 1/5/2015
Penny Meyer Resident Representative
Zone 4 (2018)
8/19/2017 8/19/2015 12/29/2014
Jacob Lynn At-Large Resident
Representative Seat 1
2/28/2018 4/12/2016 4/12/2016
Jeffrey Lynn At-Large Resident
Representative Seat 2
4/14/2016 8/23/2014 12/27/2014
Jason Ackerman At-Large Resident Renter
Representative Seat 1
10/2/2016 5/3/2016 5/3/2016
Maria Skelton At-Large Resident Renter
Representative Seat 2
8/19/2017 1/20/2016 4/22/2015
Howard Benjamin At-Large Industrial
Business Owner or
Employee Representative
Seat 1 (2016)
8/19/2017 8/19/2015 12/15/2014
George Thomas At-Large Industrial
Business Owner or
Employee Representative
Seat 2 (2018)
8/19/2017 8/19/2015 12/12/2014
Kambiz Merabi At-Large Commercial
Business Owner or
Employee Representative
Seat 1 (2016)
3/26/2017 3/28/2015 4/22/2015
Josef Lazarovitz At-Large Commercial
Business Owner or
Employee Representative
Seat 2 (2018)
8/19/2017 8/19/2015 12/24/2014
Paul Anand At-Large Commercial
Business Owner or
Employee Representative
Seat 3 (2016)
9/12/2015 8/15/2013 2/12/2015
Steve Friedmann At-Large Commercial
Business Owner or
Employee Representative
Seat 4 (2018)
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First Name Last Name Board Seat Ethics
Code of
Kathleen Padden Senior Representative
8/19/2017 8/19/2015 4/22/2015
John Camera Religious Institution
Representative (2016)
8/19/2017 8/19/2015
Vacant Seat Vacant Seat Non-Profit Community
Based Organization or
Service Club
Representative Seat 1
Vacant Seat Vacant Seat Non-Profit Community
Based Organization or
Service Club
Representative Seat 2
Austin Noll Youth Representative
5/8/2015 5/8/2015
Stacy Rains School Representative
8/19/2017 12/17/2015 5/3/2015
Jerry Martin At-Large Representatives
8/19/2017 8/19/2015 4/7/2015
Please submit any updates and changes to the roster to [email protected] , including any Ethics
Please continue to next page to see Expired Ethics Certificates, your Neighborhood Council cases,
Important dates, and Existing Vendors for NCs.
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Board Members with expired Ethics Certificates:
(Moving forward, the Department will notify Board Members one month in advance, one week in
advance, and when their certificate expires)
First Name Last Name Board Seat Ethics
Jeffrey Lynn At-Large Resident
Representative Seat 2
Paul Anand At-Large Commercial
Business Owner or
Representative Seat 3
Please continue to next page to see your Neighborhood Council cases, Important dates, and Existing
Vendors for NCs.
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Your cases for this month are:
Title Case# Case Lead Open Date Status
Rosters – Ethics Cert Update 14739 TUX Team 7/5/2016 C – Resolved
Funding – MER Reconcile February 2016 14757 Claude Gonzales 7/5/2016 O – Open
Funding – MER Reconcile March 2016 14844 Claude Gonzales 7/12/2016 O – Open
Funding – MER Reconcile April 2016 15062 Claude Gonzales 8/1/2016 O – Open
Please continue to next page to see Important dates, and Existing Vendors for NCs.
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Important Dates
For all events, please check out EmpowerLA’s Calendar
8/1/2016 7pm – 9pm Cancelled – Neighborhood Council Budget Advocates Meeting
8/2/2016 6pm – 9 pm Cancelled – Board of Neighborhood Commissioners Regular Meeting
8/3/2016 6:30pm – 8:30pm Harbor Alliance of Neighborhood Councils Monthly Meeting – EmpowerLA Town Hall
8/6/2016 8:45am – 10am
Neighborhood Council-LADWP Memorandum of Understanding Oversight Alliance
Monthly Meeting
8/6/2016 10am – 1pm Los Angeles Neighborhood Council Coalition Monthly Meeting – EmpowerLA Town Hall
8/6/2016 9am – 12pm Mayor Garcetti’s Neighborhood Council Civic Youth
8/11/2016 6:30pm – 9:00pm Valley Alliance of Neighborhood Councils Monthly Meeting
8/12/2016 1pm – 4pm Leadership Academy – Funding Training – EmpowerLA Large Conference Room
8/13/2016 10:00am – 12:00pm PlanCheckNC Monthly Meeting
8/15/2016 1:00pm – 4:00pm Board of Neighborhood Commissioners Regular Meeting
8/15/2016 7:00pm – 9:00pm Alliance of River Communities Monthly Meeting
8/17/2016 8:30am – 10:00am Westside Regional Alliance of Councils Monthly Meeting
8/18/2016 6:30pm – 8:30pm
South Los Angeles Alliance of Neighborhood Councils Monthly Meeting – EmpowerLA
Town Hall
8/19/2016 10:00am – 2:00pm Valley Office Hours
8/19/2016 9:00am – 10:00am
Rules, Elections, Intergovernmental Relations, and Neighborhoods City Council
Committee Meeting
8/19/2016 DEADLINE EmpowerLA Town Hall Survey Closes
8/23/2016 6pm – 8pm
Leadership Academy – Beyond Neighborhood Councils – Los Angeles Central Library
Mark Taper Auditorium, 630 W 5th St, Los Angeles, CA 90071
8/23/2016 6pm – 9pm Leadership Academy – Funding Training – TBD
8/26/2016 9am – 12pm Mayor Garcetti’s Neighborhood Council Civic Youth
9/1/2016 DEADLINE Neighborhood Council Strategic Budget Package Is Due
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Existing Vendors for NCs
Web Service Providers:
Civic Resource Group
Contact: Gregory Curtin, CEO
[email protected]
The Mailroom
Contact: Kristina Smith
[email protected]
Moore Business Results
Contact: Wendy Moore
[email protected]
Port Town Websites
Contact: Jill Fox
[email protected]
The Web Corner
Contact: Robert Adams, Owner
[email protected]
Contact: Zelda Harrison
[email protected]
Temp Service Providers:
(Contracts pending)
Apple One Employment Services
Contact: Jenn Rounds
[email protected]
Lloyd Staffing
Contact: Luly Santana
(562)-860-2555 Ext 101
[email protected]
Partners in Diversity
Contact: Arlene Apodaca
[email protected]
Translation Services:
Excel Interpreting
Contact: Koy Saephan
(800)915-0638 x 108
[email protected]
Interpreters Unlimited
Contact Sanjit Singh
[email protected]
Language Line Services
Contact Thomas Calannio
(831) 648-7445
[email protected]
We will continue to refine the Neighborhood Council Profiles over the next year based on your feedback. If you
have any questions, comments or suggestions, please contact the Neighborhood Council Support Helpline
at [email protected] or by calling 213-978-1551 for assistance.
Thank you for all you do to Empower LA!