NCSA TO HOST COOL BLOCKS LA CAFE – April 16, 1:30 – 4:30pm


Do you know your neighbors well enough to knock on their door and ask for the proverbial “cup of sugar”?

In an emergency, would your neighbors know how to help you? Would you know how to help them?

Do you wish there was more you could do to reduce carbon pollution and conserve resources for the sake of your children or future generations?

Would you like to make your neighborhood healthier, greener, and safer?

Come join the Neighborhood Council Sustainability Alliance (NCSA) for a Cool Blocks Cafe on Saturday, April 16, and learn about Cool Blocks LA, a new program to help you and your neighbors become planet friendly, disaster resilient, and community rich.

As part of the launch of Cool Blocks LA, the NCSA seeks 10 “Cool Block” team leaders to engage their neighbors in a 5-month pilot program, beginning in May. Leaders will receive full training, materials, and support. Learn about this important role and meet other prospective Cool Block leaders on April 16.

The Cafe is free, but space is limited and RSVPs are required. Details can be found here.


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