Message from the Mayor’s Volunteer Corps to Neighborhood Councils

Message from the Mayor’s Volunteer Corps to Neighborhood Councils​

Mayor’s Volunteer Corps

As you look for ways to make a difference in your communities on the issues you care about most, we want you to be aware of the Mayor’s Volunteer Corps. All over the City, hundreds of Angelenos just like you are looking for opportunities to make their neighborhoods stronger. They have signed up to give back to their communities and we want to provide a steady stream of events and opportunities for them to get involved with.

Are you working on issues related to Clean Streets LA, Sustainability, Immigration and Citizenship, Veterans, and/or Homelessness? Do you need volunteers for cleanups, tree plantings, resource fairs, or homeless outreach?

By working together, the Volunteer Corps and Neighborhood Councils can ensure that we are connecting people with meaningful volunteer opportunities that support your visions and Mayor Garcetti’s objectives to revitalize Los Angeles, strengthen neighborhoods, improve the workforce, and inspire civic pride in all Angelenos–resulting in real, measurable, long-term change for the residents of Los Angeles.

There are two things you can do today:

Sign up as a Volunteer Corps Member and choose the issues that matter to you by selecting Areas of Interest. To learn more about the Areas of Interest, please see the attached flyer orcheck out the website.

Then, let Jen Marony of the Mayor’s Volunteer Corps know what events are happening in your district. If you need volunteers, the MVC can post your events on their website and drive members your way. We want to know about the neighborhood cleanups and events you are hosting to support sustainability, citizenship, veterans, and people experiencing homelessness. Email to: [email protected] today.


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