DWP Reform…what do YOU think?

DWP-Reform-NC-Group DWP Reform…what do YOU think?

Written by Krystee Clark, Neighborhood Council Budget Advocate

DWP NC meetingA powerful group of Neighborhood Council leaders met with Mayor Eric Garcetti, Controller Ron Galperin and City Council President Herb Wesson to discuss the motion to overhaul the DWP (Council File 16-0093). How will it be run and how will it operate? What do the Neighborhood Councils think?

This is a different topic than the rate increases that the City Council voted to support this week. This is about overhauling the way the DWP is governed. Will there be a board? How will that board be chosen? How will the transfer of power occur? How much will the transition cost us? Neighborhood Councils have a powerful opportunity to discuss and write up their views for the City Council to deliberate. We all have been requested by the President of the L.A. City Council to agendize and weigh in on this fast moving topic. The possibilities are limitless, so put your thinking caps on!

A motion has been created and the goal is to get it on the November ballot. There is not much time.

Attached is the letter from Council President Wesson. In the coming weeks all of the Neighborhood Councils will be invited to Town hall meetings held regionally to discuss ideas and have their questions answered.

Also attached is a power point presentation created by our CAO Miguel Santana and Chief Legislative Analyst Sharon Tso. This document will give you some background information on DWP Governance reform.


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