Board Affirmations

Board Affirmations

If a Neighborhood Council fails to register enough candidates to have a competitive race, the election will be cancelled, and the candidates seated by affirmation.

From the Elections Manual:

page 15) X. Board Affirmation
If a Neighborhood Council fails to register enough candidates to have a competitive race, i.e.
there is only one (1) candidate for each of the open seats, the election is cancelled, and the
candidates are seated by Board Affirmation. The candidates will be seated at the Neighborhood
Council’s next regular meeting after the Final List of Certified Candidates has been released by
the City Clerk. The outgoing board shall prepare an agenda where the first agenda item shall be
the Board Affirmation by EmpowerLA, and the second agenda item shall be the election of the
board Executive Officers if applicable. The candidates for the open board seats will be seated at
the meeting by EmpowerLA. If there is not a regular meeting within thirty (30) days after the final
verified candidate list has been released, then the outgoing board or EmpowerLA will hold a
special meeting within fifteen (15) days after the release of the list instead to affirm the board.


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