You’re Invited: A Dispute Resolution Training Event

mediation You’re Invited: A Dispute Resolution Training Event

The Los Angeles City Attorney’s Office, Dispute Resolution Program invites you to attend a Los Angeles City Attorney’s Office Community Justice Initiative (CJI) community colloquium eventon February 26, 2016, 9:30am to 3:30pm.

The Community Justice Initiative (CJI) is a ground-level laboratory aimed at “transforming the City’s criminal branch culture to be more receptive to alternative dispute resolution, diversion and alternative sentencing.”

Over the next nine months, each of CJI’s nine programs is hosting a day-long colloquium event. The first colloquium event is hosted by the Dispute Resolution Program, which provides no-cost mediation services to the community, on Friday, February 26, 2016. It is scheduled from 9:30 to 3:30 pm.

The Dispute Resolution Program’s colloquium event is divided into a morning and afternoon session.
1. The morning session will contain informational presentations, which will provide opportunity to learn about the DRP services and staff.
2. The afternoon session will be a policy discussion, facilitated by DRP mediators, which will provide an opportunity for our key stakeholders to discuss DRP’s current program and its future direction.

In attendance will be; City Attorney Mike Feuer, the CJI attorneys/supporting staff, key criminal branch supervisors, the directors & staff of the nine CJI service programs, and invited community stakeholders.

Event Specifics:
When: Friday, February 26, from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm
Where: The California Endowment (1000 N. Alameda St, Los Angeles).
Parking: Free onsite-parking for the colloquium is available at the California Endowment.
Directions: Driving & walking directions from City Hall
Attire: Business casual.
RSVP: Please RSVP by Feb. 23rd to Frank Martinez, Jr. at [email protected].

Breakfast: A light breakfast will be available from 9:00 to 9:30 (hosted).
Lunch: An onsite café is available as a lunch option (not hosted). Here are some suggestions for other nearby lunch options.

Again, free onsite parking for the colloquium is available at The California Endowment.


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