Council File 15-1138-S1 on Homelessness

homeless Council File 15-1138-S1 on Homelessness

Over the years, the homeless population in Los Angeles has continued to increase becoming what seems like an impossible problem to solve. If action and effective solutions are not implemented soon, the city’s growing population will continue to multiply at an alarming rate. Based on research from the U.S. Housing and Urban Development Department (HUD), since 2013 the city’s chronic homeless population has grown 55%. Also noted by HUD more than one-third of the nation’s chronic homeless population lives in California. Homelessness affects all types of people varying from the young, middle age, and the elderly.There have been recent efforts to help get the homeless off the streets and into shelters as a result of El Niño. However, this is only a temporary solution to a much larger problem.

Currently, Council File: 15-1138-S1, titled Serving and Housing LAs Homeless, is up for discussion in the Homelessness and Poverty Committee. The Council File addresses strategies for how to solve this problem identifying both short and long term goals. A 233-page report, titled Comprehensive Homeless Strategy has ten sections listing potential strategies that will eventually move to the City Council for approval. Since this Council File is still in committee hearings, Neighborhood Councils have a chance to identify the most important needs of homelessness in their communities by submitting a Community Impact Statement (CIS). Two Neighborhood Councils have already submitted CISs for this Council File: Los Feliz Neighborhood Council and Winnetka Neighborhood Council.

In addition to submitting CISs other opportunities for Neighborhood Councils to get involved on the issue of homelessness are to attend the workshop, Homeless Individuals and Trauma: The Road to Recovery. This will be held at the 24th Annual Empowerment Congress Summit on Saturday, January 16 between 8am-1pm at USC. Neighborhood Councils can also sign up for the annual Homeless Count that will take place January 26-28.

Community Impact Statements: Neighborhood Councils can engage in this important matter by identifying needs regarding homelessness in their communities. This can be done specifically by submitting a Community Impact Statement on Homelessness as proposed in the Council File above. Thank you for your help to Empower L.A.

Contributor Danielle Merriweather is a graduate student at Pepperdine University School of Public Policy specializing in State and Local Policy and American Politics. She is working closely with EmpowerLA to inform Neighborhood Councils about various issues that are taking place in Los Angeles, as well as encouraging NCs and their stakeholders to use the power that they have to influence legislation through community impact statements.


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