Help Make Streets Playful Public Spaces

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The Great Streets Initiative is competing in the LA2050 Grants Challenge. If we get the most votes between October 20 – November 3, Great Streets can be awarded a $100,000 grant to re-imagining streets as safe, creative, playful, economically thriving public spaces. Only 4 days left to Vote!


Great Streets has partnered with dozens of community organizations throughout the City to showcase our streets and their potential to serve as vibrant public spaces. The LA2050 Grants Challenge will help us achieve the same level of success by transforming more even main streets into healthy, playful public spaces.

Voting is easy! If you need to register, please remember to validate your email address (you’ll receive instructions after you vote) so your vote gets counted. You’ll see a notification at the top of the screen once your vote has been successfully counted!

Let your neighbors know and spread the word!

-Great Streets

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