Dear Friends,

As you probably know, the Los Angeles Unified School District (LAUSD) has launched a nationwide search for a new Superintendent of Schools to manage the nation’s second-largest school district.  To assist our efforts, the District selected Hazard, Young, Attea & Associates (HYA), an executive search firm that specializes in finding school district executives.

I am pleased to share with you that this search will include a robust and inclusive conversation with families, teachers, staff, and members of the community to identify the qualities we want to see in our next Superintendent and what our goals are for the District.  Much of the information about the search process, including a brief online survey, can be found at: The surveys will be compiled by HYA and the feedback, which is offered anonymously, will be shared with Board Members to help inform our opinions.

Starting next week, the District and HYA will conduct a series of fourteen community meetings to which all are invited. The first is downtown on Monday night. Another four meetings will be held in the San Fernando Valley on Wednesday and Thursday. I look forward to you joining us!

Monday, October 19, 2015

6:00 PM- Roybal Learning Center, Multipurpose Room

1200 W. Colton St., Los Angeles, CA 90026


Wednesday, October 21, 2015

8:30 AM- James Monroe High School, Odin’s Hall

9229 Haskell Ave. North Hills, 91343


7:00 PM –James Monroe High School, Odin’s Hall

9229 Haskell Ave. North Hills, 91343


Thursday, October 22, 2015

8:30 AM-Valley Academy Theatre

10445 Balboa Blvd. Granada Hills, 91344


7:00 PM- Valley Academy Theatre

10445 Balboa Blvd. Granada Hills, 91344


Additional meetings and information about the search process can be found at:

Public discussions will revolve around three key questions:

  1. What are the strengths and successes of LAUSD that you want to see continued and enhanced during the transition to new leadership?
  2. What are the challenges, issues, and problems that the new superintendent will need to face and address in the coming three years?
  3. What are the characteristic and attributes that the new superintendent must possess in order to be successful as the next superintendent in LAUSD?


To complete the search firm’s brief online survey, use this link by October 28th: You may also want to follow the conversation on LASchools on Facebook and Twitter.

Your participation in this search process is critical to our success and that of our students. If you cannot attend one of the scheduled meetings and the survey does not suffice, please contact my office directly at (818)-654-3785. I value your input and appreciate all that you do on behalf of the students, parents and employees of the LAUSD.

Please help us spread the word! We look forward to seeing you for these important conversations.

Thank you,

Scott M. Schmerelson

Board Member, District 3

Los Angeles Board of Education