
At the Emergency Preparedness Fair this month.

My Fellow Citizens,

This month our Van Nuys Neighborhood Council is having our regularly scheduled meeting this coming Wednesday night, and our first annual “Education Summit” the following Wednesday on the 21st.

Please make every effort to come by and participate in your local government.  We are addressing the issues facing our area, as well as trying to increase citizen activism in the San Fernando Valley.

It is a special privilege to serve as the Honorary Mayor and Council President, and thank you for this great opportunity to be a part of our community.

-George Christopher Thomas, Council President & Honorary Mayor of Van Nuys
Van Nuys Neighborhood Council

(Please like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter)

Van Nuys Neighborhood Council
PO Box 3118
Van Nuys, CA 91407
Telephone (818) 533-VNNC (8662)
Email: [email protected]

Web:  www.VNNC.org
