ciclavia_anniversary_email_1 October is here and so is a load of CicLAvia celebrations! This month, we celebrate our fifth anniversary (our first event was held 10/10/10), and we are gearing up for our 15th event, CicLAvia – Heart of LA, on October 18.

Starting this Sunday, we’ll begin two weeks of looking back at our history as we count down to our 15th event. Make sure to follow us on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram, and keep an eye on our blog for a series of stories, photos and videos. We hope you join in and share your own images and memories of past CicLAvias by tagging us in your social media streams with #CicLAvia!

Our 15-day countdown will culminate with the CicLAvia – Heart of LA route on October 18. We invite you to attend our special kickoff ceremony in front of city hall (Main Street and First Street) at 8:30 AM on Sunday morning. The ceremony will feature public officials, board members, CicLAvia founders, and long-time supporters. If you have children who have been coming to CicLAvia since before they can remember, please bring them along so that we may honor and recognize the future they will build in LA.

As part of the 15-day countdown of celebrations, our partners at the Los Angeles Times are donating $20 to CicLAvia per subscription started on this special page. You can check out their offer here:


Thanks so much for being a part of this ride. We look forward to seeing you on October 18!
