Post-Congress NCSA Mixer + LA2050 “Draw the Future” Exhibit

Post-Congress NCSA Mixer + LA2050 “Draw the Future” Exhibit

The Neighborhood Council Sustainability Alliance (NCSA) invites all Congress of Neighborhoods attendees to join us directly after the Congress for an informal mixer and opportunity to “draw the future” of LA!

Enjoy appetizers and a drink with fellow Neighborhood Council members and supporters, and interact with a team of visual design artists to help develop the “LA2050″ Plan — which aims to make LA the best place to learn, create, play, connect, and live by 2050.

Space is limited! Please RSVP now, then stop by the NCSA table during the Congress to pick up a beverage ticket for the mixer event.

Many thanks to the hard work of the NCSA governing board and committee volunteers, and generous support by the Goldhirsh Foundation and TreePeople, for making this event possible.

Note: Weather permitting, the mixer will be held outdoors on the private, heated patio of the Justice Urban Tavern, a 3-5 minute walk from City Hall. In the event of rain, you’ll find us inside the Tavern.

Details and RSVP link:


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