Ethics Commission To Review Disclosure Requirements for Campaign Donations

Ethics Commission To Review Disclosure Requirements for Campaign Donations

At their last meeting, the members of the Ethics Commission asked staff to present options regarding additional disclosure requirements for political contributions made to City candidates by non-individuals.   A non-individual is any legal entity other than a human being.  Business organizations, political committees, non-profit organizations, and labor organizations are all examples of non-individuals.

Currently, candidates are required to disclose the names and addresses of all contributors of $100 or more. If the contributor is a human being, candidates must also disclose the contributor’s occupation and employer.  The members of the Ethics Commission are considering additional disclosure requirements that would identify the key persons affiliated with non-individual contributors.

We expect to present options for additional disclosure requirements at the Ethics Commission’s next meeting on October 21, 2015, and we would like to hear your thoughts on what additional information would be helpful to you.  Your input on this topic is extremely beneficial and will help the Ethics Commission shape these important laws.  Please send comments to [email protected] by October 13, 2015.

More information about the City’s campaign finance laws is available on the Ethic Commission website. Thank you for making a difference!


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