City Attorney’s Dispute Resolution Program

dispute-resolution City Attorney’s Dispute Resolution Program

The Dispute Resolution program is a community-based program which provides free mediation, conciliation, and facilitation service in English and Spanish. Other languages are provided upon request. Mediation is a process in which the parties to the conflict meet face-to-face to discuss their dispute with the guidance and support of a neutral mediator. In addition, disputes between parties may also be solved through the telephone through a process known as conciliation, in which the mediator discusses the dispute with both parties until the dispute is resolved. Mediators do not provide any legal advice whatsoever and serve as a neutral party to alleviate disputes. Facilitation is also available and is a process in which a neutral individual leads a group discussion and dialogue between diverse members of a community. Mediation is 100% a voluntary process and all of our mediators are qualified and trained individuals who volunteer their time to this service. Click here for more information and the flyer.


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