P1000540 Executive Meeting Agenda (VNNC)
Van Nuys Neighborhood Council June 29th, 2015 (Monday 6:30pm – 7:50pm) 6250 Sylmar Ave. (Van Nuys Public Library) Van Nuys, CA 91401

  1. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America
  2. Roll Call (Quorum Call)
  3. Comments from the Chair (President) of the Van Nuys Neighborhood Council
  4. Public Comment (On matters within the VNNC Board’s Jurisdiction.) *Speaker Cards: 2 minutes, 1 Public Comment Time. (This includes speaker cards on any and all agenda items — a limit of 10 minutes for the entire meeting per Stakeholders and Councilmembers alike)
  5. Secretary’s Report — Approve June Minutes
  6. Treasurer’s Report — Jeanette Hopp and/or Howard Benjamin (Second Signatory) — Approve Treasurer’s Report
  7. Committee Chairperson’s Reports, Budget Advocate’s Report, Elected Officials’ Reports, Election Chair’s Report & Any Special Reports from Councilmembers
  8. New Business
    • a.  The VNNC to possibly host Councilmember-elect David Ryu for our “Distinguished Speakers Series” and come up with certain projects the VNNC and the new LA City Councilman can work on together.
    • b. Connect the Dots – Great Streets Grant seeking a letter of support. The Arid Lands Institute (ALI), Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition (LACBC) and Pacoima Beautiful is seeking a letter of support from the VNNC in regards to the proposed grant offered by the Great Streets Initiative being develop on Van Nuys Blvd. There will be a short presentation on the concept of the proposal. (Aja Bulla-Richards/ Arid Lands Institute)
    • c. Los Angeles County Bicyle Coalition. Request a CIS to support the Mobility Plan 2035 EIR draft and ask the city council to approve it. LACBC is asking the board to submit a community impact statement to the city in support of the city-wide initiative Mobility Plan 2035, the first comprehensive update to the city’s transportation policies since 1999. Council File Number: 15-0719 (Hyeran Lee or Eric Bruins/ LACBC)
    • d. The Van Nuys Neighborhood Council to consider developing and launching a “Community Ambassadors Program” to form strong bonds with volunteers and local leaders in our neighborhoods.  The “Community Ambassadors Program” will seek enthusiastic, dedicated, and dependable volunteers to support us in our mission: promoting the economic and social well-being of individuals, families, neighborhoods, and communities in the San Fernando Valley.
    • e. The VNNC to participate in the ongoing program sponsored by the Museum of the San Fernando Valley.  The Horses Across the Valley public art program is under the guise of The Museum of the San Fernando Valley’s Public Art Initiative. This program is being executed to raise awareness of the historical, cultural and artistic heritage of the San Fernando Valley.
    • f. Additional Items
    • g. Funding Requests
  9. Announcements
  10. Adjournment


Van Nuys Neighborhood Council
PO Box 3118
Van Nuys, CA 91407
Telephone (818) 533-VNNC (8662)
Email: [email protected]

Web:  www.VNNC.org