P1000595 Greetings My Fellow Citizens,

I am just reaching out to remind you we are having a Van Nuys Neighborhood Council (VNNC) meeting this coming Wednesday night in our regular Council Chambers.  The agenda is pretty action packed, so please get to the meeting early and be ready for a long night.

We are also hosting a “Public Safety Summit” with the LAPD, FBI and DEA on June 17th, 2015 starting at 6:30pm. Thank you for your continued interest in our neighborhoods, and I look forward to seeing you on Wednesday night.

It is a special privilege to serve as the Honorary Mayor of Van Nuys & the Council President, and thank you for this great opportunity to be a part of our community.

-George Christopher Thomas, Council President & Honorary Mayor of Van Nuys
Van Nuys Neighborhood Council

(Please like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter)

  1. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America
  2. Roll Call (Quorum Call)
  3. Comments from the Chair (President) of the Van Nuys Neighborhood Council
  4. Public Comment (On matters within the VNNC Board’s Jurisdiction.) *Speaker Cards: 2 minutes, 1 Public Comment Time. (This includes speaker cards on any and all agenda items — a limit of 10 minutes for the entire meeting per Stakeholders and Councilmembers alike)
  5. Secretary’s Report — April Minutes, May Minutes & Special Summit Minutes
  6. Treasurer’s Report — Jeanette Hopp and/or Howard Benjamin (Second Signatory) — Approve Treasurer’s Report
  7. Committee Chairperson’s Reports, Budget Advocate’s Report, Elected Officials’ Reports, Election Chair’s Report & Any Special Reports from Councilmembers
  8. New Business
    • a.  14700 Sherman Way. Small Lot Subdivision. Proposal for a gated residential small lot subdivision community consisting of 58 detached single-family homes with large rear backyards and a private park with a tot lot. The developer is pursuing community feedback and support. Case no.: project not submitted to Planning. (Jon Spelke & Angie Yee / Storm Properties, Inc.)
    • b. The VNNC to address committee assignments, and possibly setting up a committee chairperson training so the VNNC committees can run smoothly and in accordance to the Ralph M. Brown Act.  the VNNC to reach out to Commission President Jay Handel to run the special training session.
    • c.  The VNNC to address the following complaint from local constituent Kevin Sherbrooke.  “Dear Sir/Madam,  I am writing to complain about my neighbor who has 7 renting tenants living in a single family house in an R-1 district.  The house in question is at 15063 Gilmore. The owner does not live there and there are over 12 cars emanating from this house. The cars are constantly blocking my driveway, they do not park in the garage, there is large commercial vehicle with advertising, they are parking in front of our house while their driveway is empty.  I have lived here for over 35 years and most of the renters are so disrespectful of the neighbors.  The owner is not helping and the problem is getting worst and worse. Is there anything that I can do? Is this legal?  Please help me contact a representative or advise on how I can file a complaint.”  Respectfully,  Kevin Sherbrooke,  15057 Gilmore Street Van Nuys, CA  The recommendation shall be this constituent reach out to staff in Council District 6 (CD6) and the VNNC to introduce and facilitate the meeting with CD6 staff.
    • d. The VNNC to discuss and take possible action on renaming the “Erwin Street Mall” after former County Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky.  The mall is the center of government for the Van Nuys and Valley area, and former Supervisor Yaroslavsky represented the area for over a decade.
    • e.  The VNNC to possibly host Councilmember-elect David Ryu for our “Distinguished Speakers Series” and come up with certain projects the VNNC and the new LA City Councilman can work on together.
    • f. The VNNC to look into possible legislative or punitive options for individuals that maim or murder dogs and cats in the neighborhood.  The VNNC to work with animal rights organizations to address this terrible issue of people poisoning their neighbor’s cats and dogs, or any other family pets.
    • g. The VNNC to consider a funding request to beautify the Van Nuys Police Station.  The VNNC will be voting for funds that will be matched dollar for dollar from Los Angeles City Councilmember Paul Krekorian’s office, with additional participation sought from Los Angeles City Councilmember Nury Martinez.  Based on the current drought situation, the request is taking into consideration the current water problems, including ways to save money and using drought resistant materials. ACTION ITEM (NTE $5,000)
    • h. The VNNC to consider funding two separate purchases of Robert’s Rules of Order, one full edition and another brief edition to be used at meetings and throughout our service as Van Nuys Councilmembers.  The VNNC to purchase 21 editions of Robert’s Rules of Order and 21 in brief editions, with each edition being for that respective elected seat.  The VNNC to officially act in accordance with all legislative and parlimentary procedures and by Robert’s Rules of Order.  ACTION ITEM (NTE $400)
    • i. The VNNC to purchase new microphones for the council chambers.  The VNNC to purchase in the coming fiscal year if there is not enough money in the budget this year.  The microphones will be used in all council meetings and special summits.  (Background: the VNNC had the old microphones stolen out of the council chambers.)  ACTION TIEM — (NTE $2,500)
    • j. The VNNC to use any left over money from the budget this year to fund the Congress of Neighborhood Councils.  The VNNC to also share equally the left over money with the Budget Advocates.  This motion is to insure the VNNC funds from FY 2014-2015 to be used on issues within Van Nuys and representing the stakeholders of Van Nuys.
    • k. The VNNC to submit a Community Impact Statement and direct a letter to the Community College Board about the preservation of Pierce College farm.  The VNNC to use the language from Glenn Bailey and to officially go on record about the Pierce College farm.
    • l. The VNNC to discuss possible software purchases for flyers, agendas and other miscellaneous marketing material.  The VNNC to get prices on Adobe Professional, Adobe In-Design, Microsoft Word Perfect and Photoshop.  The VNNC to take possible action on funding and purchasing software, with licenses for 5 users.
    • m. The VNNC to submit a Community Impact Statement from VANC and Glenn Bailey to allow extra time for Neighborhood Councilmembers to speak longer during public comment periods.  This would allow additional time before the city council for members of the NC system, and would be an amendment to the two minute rule now set in place.
  9. Announcements
  10. Adjournment

Van Nuys Neighborhood Council
PO Box 3118
Van Nuys, CA 91407
Telephone (818) 533-VNNC (8662)
Email: Info@VNNC.org

Web:  www.VNNC.org
