Prioritize Street Repairs in Your Neighborhood with Bureau of Street Services Neighborhood Council Blitz Initiative

BSS Prioritize Street Repairs in Your Neighborhood with Bureau of Street Services Neighborhood Council Blitz Initiative

If you’ve seen a Bureau of Street Services crew fixing potholes and other small asphalt damages recently, chances are it was part of the BSS’s Neighborhood Council Blitz Initiative.

The program evolved from the “getting back to basics” concept, and aims to streamline the process of street repairs, reach out to the community, and perform repairs in each of the 99 communities citywide, including 96 Neighborhood Councils and 3 uncertified neighborhoods. The Bureau will visit each neighborhood twice per fiscal year to address small asphalt issues.

Although, the work they do as part of this program is limited to what can be completed in one day with one load of asphalt and two workers, they have nevertheless completed projects which have a positive impact on their communities and improve the quality of life in LA’s neighborhoods.

Small asphalt repairs being addressed as part of the Blitz include potholes and pop outs, skin patching of eroded or cracked areas, some sidewalk and curb repairs, and some repairs on concrete streets.

How does the initiative work?

The Bureau’s Neighborhood Council Initiative Representative contacts an NC Executive Board via e-mail. The e-mail informs the NC Exec Board of the date the work in their neighborhood is going to take place, the format to use when submitting locations for inspection, and the last day to submit locations for inspection. The locations submitted by Neighborhood Council boards are then inspected and repairs are scheduled. Only 15 addresses will be inspected per Neighborhood Council, so locations should be prioritized in order of importance. Street Services will address as many locations as possible with the resources allocated for the program. It is suggested that you select high visibility locations that see a lot of use, such as parks, schools, churches, or other places where people congregate.

Bureau of Street Services Representative Aida Valencia has been making the rounds around the city, meeting with Neighborhood Councils to explain the program. Every Neighborhood Council is invited to participate in the program by submitting locations important to their neighborhood when they receive the notice from the Bureau’s Representative.

To find out more about the NC Blitz and when repairs are scheduled for your neighborhood, you can contact Aida Valencia at [email protected] or (213) 216-3996.


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