Message from Ciclavia:
We love our bikes here at CicLAvia, and not just on CicLAvia day. Many of our staff and volunteers (myself included) enjoy biking to work on occasion. If you’ve never tried it, you should because today kicks off Bike Week!
Bike Week is Metro’s way of saying, “give it a shot!” And we say the same thing. You’ve biked LA streets at CicLAvia, now try it on a regular day of the week. Metro has put together a bunch of great activities to inspire you for Bike Week. The full list is here, but I especially would like to invite you to a couple of things we’re involved with:
The Blessing of the Bicycles at Good Samaritan Hospital is on Tuesday morning, and a certain organization you might like (hint: us) will receive an award. Come out to support and have your bike blessed while you’re there!
We’re also participating in Metro Bike Night at Union Station on Friday, May 15. There will be a line up of food, music, crafts, contests and free giveaways of bikes, bike equipment, TAP cards and more.
Post pics of your bike (and you on it if you want) and tag with #CicLAviaBike and we’ll find them and adore them on social media all week long!
All of this should help you get ready for CicLAvia – Pasadena Presented by Metro taking place on May 31, which wraps up Bike Month. So, get out and enjoy all Bike Week has to offer!
Aaron Paley, CicLAvia