P1010806 Greetings Community Members,

There are a lot of events and special meetings being held in Van Nuys and the Valley over the next few days.

Our Van Nuys Neighborhood Council is helping Assemblymember Adrin Nazarian get the word out about the “Water Conservation Rebate Event” he is having tomorrow at Los Angeles Valley College.  Please join Assemblymember Adrin Nazarian, Councilmember Paul Krekorian, Los Angeles Valley College and the Greater Valley Glen Neighborhood Council to learn about: The $3.75/Square Foot rebate program by LA DWP to replace your lawn with beautiful drought resistant native landscaping, The $100 Rain Barrel & Cistern Rebate Program, Native Plant Landscaping from Orchard Supply Hardware and Rebates for water efficient home appliances.  (Friday, May 8th, 3pm – 6pm,  5800 Fulton Avenue — Valley Glen, CA 91401 *The front of the college off of Fulton and Hatteras*)

There will be presentations and live demonstrations by: The Los Angeles Department of Water & Power, The Metropolitan Water District, Orchard Supply Hardware, The River Project and City Plants.

We are also participating in a Town Hall with Los Angeles City Council President Herb Wesson this Saturday, May 9th from 10am-12pm at Van Nuys City Hall in the Council Chambers on the 2nd floor.  We will be discussing how to improve the Neighborhood Council System, and other ways we can work together with Council President Herb Wesson and the Los Angeles City Council in the future.

This coming Monday night LAPD Chief Charlie Beck & Los Angeles City Councilwoman Nury Martinez will be hosting a “Public Safety Town Hall” at Van Nuys City Hall to discuss new strategies and ways to fight crime in our community.  The Van Nuys Neighborhood Council will be presenting a new approach on community policing, and we look forward to working with LAPD Chief Charlie Beck & Councilwoman Nury Martinez on implementing our proposal.  (6pm – 8pm, 14410 Sylvan Street, Van Nuys, CA 91401)

And finally, we are having our regularly scheduled General Council Meeting this coming Wednesday starting at 7pm.  Please join us for a “Meet & Greet” beginning at 6:30pm and we can discuss any community concerns you have or issues you would like to see addressed.  Cheers, and I look forward to seeing you at one of the meetings.

It is a special privilege to serve as the Honorary Mayor of Van Nuys & the Council President, and thank you for this great opportunity to be a part of our community.

-George Christopher Thomas, Council President & Honorary Mayor of Van Nuys
Van Nuys Neighborhood Council

(Please like us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter)

Van Nuys Neighborhood Council
PO Box 3118
Van Nuys, CA 91407
Telephone (818) 533-VNNC (8662)
Email: [email protected]

Web:  www.VNNC.org

Assemblymember Adrin Nazarian Water Conservation Rebate Event MayGeneralMeeting2015