image001Congressman Brad Sherman Hosts Telephone Town Hall
Survey Results Illustrate Valley Concerns

Sherman Oaks – On Tuesday evening, just over nine thousand Valley residents participated in an interactive “Telephone Town Hall” hosted by Congressman Brad Sherman (D-Sherman Oaks).

Residents from all over the district were able to call in and participate in a two-way conversation with Congressman Sherman for ninety minutes.  During this time, the Congressman addressed constituents’ questions and concerns on a wide variety of topics, including U.S. trade policy, the Iran nuclear negotiations, foreign terrorism, healthcare, and the environment.

“Telephone Town Halls are a regular part of my outreach to my constituents,” said Sherman.  “These types of town halls allow me to interact with thousands of Valley residents in a very easy and relaxed manner. These days, we are all so busy.   The technology that we use allows my constituents to participate from home without having to drive in traffic.  Many who participated in this town hall had a chance to talk with me, one on one,” added Sherman.

During Congressman Sherman’s Telephone Town Hall, Sherman elicited the input of his constituents by asking a series of survey questions about pressing issues.  The results of the survey questions are as follows:

What is your view on Congress granting Fast-Track Authority and approving the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) Trade Deal?
Oppose Fast Track and TPP: 43%

In Favor of Passing Fast-Track and then the TPP: 10%

Undecided: 47%

Which statement best fits your views on gun control?
I strongly believe we need tough new controls on guns: 58%

We should enforce the gun laws we have: 27%
We should repeal some existing gun laws: 12%

Don’t have a strong opinion on gun control: 3%

Which statement best fits your views on the Middle East conflict?

We should strongly support Israel: 51%

We should support Palestinians at least as much as we support Israel: 28%

We should just stay out of the conflict: 13%

None of the Above/Other: 8%

Which statement best fits your view of the legislative program of the Humane Society?
I strongly agree: 35%

I strongly disagree: 6%
I have no opinion: 59%

Should the U.S. be doing more or less on programs which assist low-income Americans?

Less, it is more important to balance the budget, including deep cuts to public assistance programs: 18%

More, the U.S. has a moral obligation to help those less fortunate: 38%

Congress should avoid cutting these programs, but there needs to be a balanced approach: 44%

In addition to answering policy questions, Congressman Sherman used the time to direct participants to his district office (818) 501-9200 for further assistance in regards to personal problems with federal agencies.  At the end of the ninety minute conversation, participants who were unable to ask a question were given the option to leave their own comments and questions for the Congressman by voicemail.
