
Valley Non-Profit, Youth Speak Collective, Announces Leadership Transition

Pacoima (March 11, 2015)  Youth Speak Collective (YSC), a non profit organization located in the Northeast San Fernando Valley, announces its hiring of an Executive Transition Coach to assist with the recruitment and hiring of a new Executive Director upon the transitioning of their Founding Executive Director, David Kietzman. This year Youth Speak hit their 9-year mark as a premier youth-driven nonprofit organization in Los Angeles. With core organizational values, an inspirational vision and solid mission, Youth Speak will begin the transition and hiring process to find their next team member and leader.

“It is with bitter-sweet sentiment that I move on from this great team. After nine years, I feel that it is time to pass the torch to other leaders in our community and team. I really believe that great leaders help train new leaders and that is within our vision and values. We have an incredibly dedicated staff, solid board, diverse fundraising plan and sustainable programs and I feel the timing is right, in a good way for me to transition. I am extremely thankful to our past staff and current team for their passion, understanding and commitment to our community. – David Kietzman (outgoing Founder and Executive Director, Youth Speak Collective)

The Board of Directors began planning the transition of their Founding Executive Director in Fall 2014 and has approved a Leadership Continuity Plan that will allow the transition, hiring and training process to be smooth.

“Trusted and valued by the youth they empower, YSC has become a go-to organization for community leaders, students and local elected officials,” said Rhonnel Sotelo, former COO of The Stuart Foundation and now Executive Director at the Rogers Family Foundation. “With David’s unflinching commitment to youth and the organization’s collaborative, results-focused spirit, Youth Speak Collective has become one of the strongest beacons of light pointing to a brighter future for the Northeast Valley’s young people,” added Sotelo.

Today, Youth Speak Collective operates programs throughout the Northeast San Fernando Valley and recently expanded to the Northeast Los Angeles community. Programming is based out of schools, parks and partner sites at 15 different locations serving approximately 300 participants a week, and over 5,000 youth and their families in a year. Youth Speak has a passionate and dedicated team of 20 staff who work alongside 10 youth interns and additional volunteers. Governed by a 9-person Board of Directors, YSC operates with a $1 million budget, with plans to expand and maintain their budget to meet new community needs. Currently YSC operates 3 locations, their Headquarters in San Fernando and the Organizing Office and Creative Tech Center in Pacoima.

For more details on the hiring process please visit 

For more details on the transition process please contact David Kietzman or Richard Ramos (Board Chair) at 818-890-2928