Mayor Garcetti to Speak at MoveLA Transportation Conversation

Mayor Garcetti to Speak at MoveLA Transportation Conversation

Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti will be the keynote speaker at Move LA’s 7th Annual Transportation Conversation on April 22 at Union Station. Mayor Garcetti has an ambitious transportation and greenhouse gas reduction agenda, and we can’t wait to hear this important dialogue about what another transportation sales tax measure could help achieve in LA County.

Anticipation is building that a measure will be placed on the November 2016 ballot, a presidential election year. California Senate President Pro Tem Kevin De Leon (D-Los Angeles) has already introduced the authorizing legislation.

We want YOU to be part of this conversation. Register now and secure a sizable early bird discount!

Other speakers include former LA Mayor Antonio Villaraigosa, Former LA County Supervisor Zev Yaroslavsky, retiring Metro CEO Art Leahy, Dr. Manuel Pastor of the Strategic Growth Council, and more! The event takes place Wednesday, April 22 from 8am until 2pm at Union Station’s Old Ticket Room. Early registrants, nonprofits, government employees, and students receive a discount.

Move LA has already begun hosting Town Hall meetings and smaller convenings with faith-based groups, college students, people with disabilities, environmental and social justice leaders, and people concerned about the affordability of housing in LA. They began in South LA in January, moved to the San Fernando Valley in February, and are meeting with leaders of organized labor soon. April 22 is their big annual convening.

We hope you will come and help determine LA County’s future. Register now for April 22 and share this with your colleagues and friends!


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