Action Alert: Show Your Support for the MViP Program

Action Alert: Show Your Support for the MViP Program

For the past year, the Los Angeles Planning Department’s Condition Compliance Unit (CCU) has been developing the Monitoring, Verification and Inspection Program (“MViP”), that combines the use of technology, standardizes the language of conditions to achieve consistent enforcement and establishes fees to enable the department to cover the cost of monitoring and inspections for establishments serving and selling alcoholic beverages. A proposed Ordinance going before the PLUM Committee in early March, establishes the fees necessary for the Unit to perform these very important and long overdue tasks.

The program’s goal is to encourage compliance and deter violators through an Operator Rating System (“ORS”).  In addition to the new fees, by joining forces with the Department of Building and Safety through a Memorandum of Agreement, the program will utilize the existing DBS’s Code Enforcement process, fees and penalties and DCP’s existing Revocation and Abatement Program.

Those in support may use the following Council Files when transferring communications to the City Clerk:  CF 13-0046; CF 14-0122 and CF 15-0020.  Questions regarding the program may be addressed to the CCU via email: [email protected].



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