Happy New Year!

Our upcoming VNNC Planning and Land Use Management Committee Meeting will take place this Tuesday. We are preparing our planning summit this coming on March 26, 2015. It is being called “Reimaging Van Nuys, Moving Towards a Sustainable Environment”. We are lining up a series of speakers to have a civic engagement on issues of planning, land use and development for the Van Nuys area discussing about the history of Van Nuys, the potential of having mass transit along Van Nuys Blvd., and the future of Van Nuys.

Reimagining Van_Nuys_Blvd_1927 Reimagining Van_Nuys_Blvd_1927

Please come to our PLUM committee meeting if you like to be involved in the planning summit this Tuesday or to engage on current items of our agenda. The meeting will take place at a new location. It will be at the Braude Constituents Building at 6262 Van Nuys Blvd., Room 2B on the second floor, near the Building and Safety Department entrance. Attached is the PLUM Committee Agenda. Hope to see all there.

2015 Janurary PLUM agenda

VNNC PLUM Committee