
Old Cupid’s building on the corner of Victory Blvd. and Tyrone Street.

Greetings My Fellow Citizens,

First and foremost, I would like to invite everyone to our next Van Nuys Neighborhood Council Executive Meeting this coming Monday night.  We are setting the agenda for the General Meeting on January 14th, and everyone is welcome to attend and provide comments, suggestions and feedback to the Councilmembers.

We are also beginning to plan the “Emergency Preparedness Summit & Symposium” for the end of spring.  As soon as we have the location and date set, we will start the campaign to get all of the neighborhood councils in the Valley to participate and sponsor this important event.  We are also starting the process of renaming the Orange Line Station in Van Nuys after Ameila Earhart, which will create the starting point of our “Business Improvement District” (BID).  And, I will be sending out invitations to have stakeholders and community leaders participate in our “Community Conversations With Coffee,” which will hopefully shape our policy objectives for the next few years.

Once again, please join us at our Executive Council Meeting this coming Monday at the Van Nuys Public Library starting at 6:30pm, and definitely attend the General Meeting on January 14th at 6262 Van Nuys Boulevard starting at 7pm.

It is an honor and privilege to serve as your Council President, and thank you for this great opportunity to be a part of our community.

-George Christopher Thomas, Council President
Van Nuys Neighborhood Council

Executive Meeting Agenda (VNNC)
Van Nuys Neighborhood Council
January 5th, 2015 (Monday 6:30 – 8:00pm)
Van Nuys Public Library
6250 Sylmar Ave, Van Nuys, CA 91401 — (818) 756-8453

  1. Call to Order & Pledge of Allegiance to the United States of America
  2. Roll Call (Quorum Call)
  3. Comments from the Chair (President) of the Van Nuys Neighborhood Council
  4. Public Comment (On matters within the VNNC Board’s Jurisdiction.) *Speaker Cards: 2 minutes, 1 Public Comment Time. (This includes speaker cards on any and all agenda items — a limit of 10 minutes for the entire meeting per Stakeholders and Councilmembers alike)
  5. Secretary’s Report — Approve December Minutes
  6. Treasurer’s Report — Jeanette Hopp and/or Howard Benjamin (Second Signatory) — Approve Treasurer’s Report
  7. Committee Chairperson’s Reports, Budget Advocate’s Report, Elected Officials’ Reports & Election Chair’s Report
  8. New Business
    • a. Speech and Presentation by Red Cross Representative Cheryl Cashman and Emergency Preparedness Expert Nathan Wolfson.  Mrs. Cashman & Mr. Wolfson are going to help the VNNC prepare for the Spring 2015 Emergency Preparedness Summit & Symposium, as well as speak on how each and every one of us can become better prepared for an emergency.  (30 minutes)
    • b. The VNNC to consider submitting a Community Impact Statement (CIS) on the proposed use of the property at 14926 Kittridge Ave. in Van Nuys, CA.  The VNNC is aware of the concerns that the neighbors have, and would like to work with all parties involved to come to a mutual understanding to mitigate this issue.
    • c. The VNNC to consider submitting a Community Impact Statement (CIS) in regards to making Election Day in November a National Holiday.  (George Thomas)
    • d. Update and request for action on the parking situation on Cedros Street.  The VNNC has been addressing an ongoing problem with the residents and the businesses in the area, and has reached out to Councilman Tom LaBonge and his field staff to assist the council in resolving the situation.
    • e. The VNNC to start the process of re-naming the Van Nuys Orange Line Station after Amelia Earhart.  The VNNC will specifically address the government process of re-naming the station, and will assign tasks to Councilmembers to make this happen.
    • f. Additional items
    • g. Funding requests
  9. Old Business
    • a. Consideration and possible vote on filling vacant seats on the Van Nuys Neighborhood Council.  The VNNC will entertain any and all membership applications submitted for vacant seats. — ACTION ITEM
  10. Announcements
  11. Adjournment
