P1000112Greetings People of Los Angeles,

First and foremost, I would like to invite everyone to our next Council Meeting this coming Wednesday night.  The meeting starts at 7 p.m. sharp, and among other things we are beginning to plan the “Emergency Preparedness Summit & Symposium” for the end of spring.  As soon as we have the location and date set, we will start the campaign to get all of the neighborhood councils in Los Angeles to participate and sponsor this important event.

We are also starting the process of renaming the Orange Line Station in Van Nuys after Ameila Earhart, which will create the starting point of our “Business Improvement District” (BID).  And, I will be sending out invitations to have stakeholders and community leaders participate in our “Community Conversations With Coffee,” which will hopefully shape our policy objectives for the next few years.

Once again, please join us for our Council Meeting this coming Wednesday night at 6262 Van Nuys Boulevard starting at 7pm.

It is an honor and privilege to serve as your Council President, and thank you for this great opportunity to be a part of our community.

-George Christopher Thomas, Council President
Van Nuys Neighborhood Council

Van Nuys Neighborhood Council
PO Box 3118
Van Nuys, CA 91407
Telephone (818) 533-VNNC (8662)
Email: [email protected]

Web:  www.VNNC.org
