City of LA office of finance

Los Angeles – Mayor Eric Garcetti and General Manager of the Department of Finance Antoinette Christovale today announced that L.A. business owners can now file their 2015 Business Tax renewals online in either English or Spanish. This new web-based option, part of Mayor Garcetti’s effort to cut red tape and provide better customer service at City Hall, allows businesses to E-file 24/7, saving paper, time, and money.

With E-filing, businesses can enter basic tax information online and receive an instant and accurate determination of the tax amount that is due to the city. If a business has an outstanding tax obligation, it can make payments online by using a credit/debit card or e-check. The deadline for businesses to E-file is March 2nd.

“In 2015, digital must be the default for Los Angeles,” said Mayor Garcetti. “By bringing more city services online, we are combining common sense with innovation to give Angelenos top-notch customer service and cut costs.”

“Filing your taxes online is quick and easy and helps to preserve the environment,” said Christovale.

The E-Filing enhancement integrates the Mayor’s back-to-basics focus on modernizing city government. Businesses that E-File reduce the volume of tax renewal materials that are required to be mailed to taxpayers each year, cutting down on paper waste. Mayor Garcetti and Christovale encouraged businesses to also participate in the Office of Finance’s Paperless Statement program. The environmentally friendly program sends electronic account notifications in lieu of hard copy statements. The Office of Finance’s E-Filing service and information regarding the Paperless Statement Program are available at