
Make Music Los Angeles, an organization that engages all communities of Los Angeles in an annual cross-cultural celebration of the power of music and art to enrich lives through education and musical performances in neighborhoods across the county, has created a petition to declare June 21st as Make Music Day nationwide. Make Music shares the vision of a world in which the joy of making music is a precious element of daily living for everyone and this vision comes to life annually on Make Music Day, June 21st.

Make Music Los Angeles (MMLA) is based on France’s Fête de la Musique, a national musical holiday inaugurated in 1982. The festival has become an international phenomenon celebrated on the same day in more than 460 cities in 110 countries, including Germany, Italy, Egypt, Syria, Morocco, Australia, Vietnam, Congo, Cameroon, Fiji, Colombia, Chile, Nepal, and Japan.

The petition on We the People, a new feature on, asks for an executive order declaring June 21st as Make Music Day in an effort to spread the spirit of Make Music Day and encourage free music events and education in all communities.

You can view and sign the petition here.