LANCC Meeting Saturday
Olympic Medalist
Rafer Johnston
Speaking on the issue
of homeless Vets

Los Angeles Neighborhood Council Coalition
A Coalition of Councils
General Meeting Agenda
January 3, 2015 10:00 AM


WEB-BLOG (Notices, etc.):
Send emails (questions, comments):
[email protected]


  1. Rafer Johnson, Olympic Medilist on the status of homeless Vets in Los Angeles
  2. Paul Darrigo  Reserve Animal Control Officers (RACO) program
  3. Grayce Liu, GM Department of Neighborhood Empowerment state of the Department

Take the sidewalk survey to improve the quality of life. Your voice matters.

The Los Angeles Board of Police Commissioners as a part of community outreach regarding the impending use and deployment of Body Worn Video cameras by our officers is interested in your opinions and comments.

Please take a few minutes and respond to the below questions.

  1. When should officers turn the camera on and under what circumstances should they turn them off?
  2. Are there instances or locations where you believe recordings should not take Place?
  3. How should the LAPD protect the privacy of those individuals who are recorded on video?
  4. Do you believe officers should be able to view the video prior to writing the necessary reports?
  5. Do you believe that Department supervisors should regularly review the video captured to ascertain opportunities for improved training?
  6. Any other comments you would like to provide and questions you believe the Police Commission should ask the LAPD as the development of the policy is reviewed.

Please submit your comments by Friday, January 16, 2015.

The Los Angeles Police Department is also conducting a separate survey on its website.  If you would like to participate in that survey, please click on the link below.

Link to the Survey “Your Thoughts on LAPD use of Body Worn Video”

Thank you for taking the time to provide your input.


  1. EmpowerLA- Grayce Liu
  2. Budget Advocates- Terrence Gomes /Jay Handal
  3. Speed Round/ Announcements
  4. DWP REPORT-Jack or Tony
  5. Board of Neighborhood Commissioners-Len Shaffer /Lydia Grant
  6. Adjournment