Food Kitchen

Do Something that Counts! Join the Homeless Count and Make a Difference

Los Angeles has the highest street homeless population in the nation. Every day we see them – men, women and children with no place to call home.

We don’t have to accept homelessness as an unsolvable problem. With your help we can end homelessness.

6,000 volunteers are needed January 27-29, 2015. Make a difference in the lives of homeless men, women, and children throughout Los Angeles County by taking part in the nation’s largest homeless census.

Your contribution goes well beyond your donated time. By knowing who and where homeless people are in Los Angeles County, we are better able to plan and identify resources to provide vital services to the homeless, and ultimately move families and individuals into housing.

The Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA) is the lead agency responsible for completing the Greater Los Angeles Homeless Count every two years. The Count helps LAHSA demonstrate our area’s need for housing, shelter and service programs to the federal government.

For more information on how the count works and volunteer roles, visit

They count–will you?