(Washington, D.C.) – For more than two decades, Olga Cordero has lived in the San Fernando Valley. As a teenager, she worked at McDonalds to put herself through English classes, so she and her family could chase the American Dream they still pursue today.

For more than 18 years, Olga has owned the small jewelry repair business that has allowed her to send two of her daughters to community college, in their quests to become doctors. Her 25-year-old son has chosen the path of public service, studying for certifications needed to become a firefighter. Her 16-year-old daughter will graduate high school, and is already on a path echoing that of her siblings.

Tuesday night, Olga Cordero will fly across the borders of a dozen states to represent the San Fernando Valley in the gallery of the United States House of Representatives. She will watch President Barack Obama give his State of the Union address as a guest of U.S. Rep. Tony Cárdenas.

Olga has seen her American Dream as what President Reagan called, “the shining city on the hill,” ever since she crossed another border as a 17-year-old.

That city seemed an impossible destination, however, because Olga Cordero is an undocumented worker, from Guadalajara, Mexico. Now, thanks to President Obama’s executive action on immigration, that dream is within reach. Olga’s life can finally receive some degree of certainty, like thousands of other men and women who have contributed so much to America.

Olga’s small business has created jobs and paid taxes, while her children work to make their country a better place. Like millions of immigrants over hundreds of years, Olga has helped build our economy. President Obama’s actions will allow her to keep adding to our economic growth, while keeping her family together, through the birthdays, holidays and graduations yet to come.

“When we close our eyes, Olga is what we see when we hear the words ‘American Dream,’ said Cárdenas. “I am honored that she will be my guest in Washington.

“As a former small business owner, I know the hard work that goes into starting your own business. As a first-generation American, I understand the sacrifices new immigrants make for their children. As a Congressman, I know that any immigration system, and any politician, who cannot find a place for Olga does not show the true spirit of America. I’m incredibly proud to be her representative.”

Olga Cordero and Cárdenas will be available to discuss Olga’s story and her trip to Washington Sunday in Los Angeles. They will be available in Washington, D.C. prior to the President’s State of the Union address Monday evening and Tuesday.

Please contact Paul Kincaid in Rep. Cárdenas office at [email protected] to arrange an interview.