South_LA_image2.pngWe Have an Early CicLAvia Sunday Surprise!

Happy Holidays! For the first time CicLAvia is happening during this festive season of celebrations. And I, for one, can’t wait to open presents. Seriously. Can’t wait. That’s why today we are unveiling our new CicLAvia beta website. Right now it’s a mash-up of old and new websites, but together they’ll give you all you need to know to enjoy Sunday’s CicLAvia – South LA.

We’ll give you a link to the new website at the end of this email, but first here’s some important info for you:


What: CicLAvia – South LA [map]
When: Sunday, December 7 – 9AM – 3PM (ending an hour earlier than usual. It’s getting dark out there!)
Where:  Leimert Park, Exposition Park, Historic Central Avenue, Jazz Park
Map and Activity Flier: Pick up at a hub or download here
Neighborhood Narrative Guide: This is a new twist on our traditional neighborhood guide and done in conjunction with the Southern California Library. Informative, provocative and inspirational. Pick up at a hub or download here


All forms of non-motorized transportation at CicLAvia are welcome. This is a day to see, hear and breathe the world outside of the confines of a vehicle. So bike, skate, rollerblade, dance, walk or sit and order another cold beverage. Make the day your own [more]


Basically, all activity follows the normal flow of traffic. Cars are not allowed in the CicLAvia event space but there are regular vehicle crossings. Everyone under 18 must wear a helmet if they are on a bike, scooter, skates, skateboard or being pulled in a trailer (it’s the law). We even have our own set of rules and safety tips to make CicLAvia a better experience for all. Plus, we tell that to you with a really cool graphic! [more]


The South LA community has really made this CicLAvia route their own. Music, dance, yoga, food, a farmers market, a health fair, a tech hub – you name it, this route has it. CicLAvia is hosting four hubs at regular intervals where you can enjoy music, activities, food trucks, get basic bike repairs, refill water bottles, receive first aid or buy some really cool CicLAvia merch for your holiday gifts (Beanies! Fanny packs! Holiday cards! oh my!)  [more]

While you’re at a hub make sure to sign up for our free drawing. Free. No cost. Win a bike from Tern or Solé. Enjoy an amazing Gaviña coffee gift basket. You can check a holiday present off your list for free! [more]


There are always cool rides leading to CicLAvia from around the region and this time is no different. Take a look at the list of rides and meet up with some new friends who share your passion for open streets. [more]


And one last thing: don’t forget to share you favorite CicLAvia memories with us using #CicLAvia. You can post to Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or Vine with that hashtag, and your moments will show up in our Community Gallery.

If you’re not familiar with all the great things South LA has to offer, this is your chance to explore. And don’t be selfish! Make sure to invite your friends to join. Go ahead and tweet them right now: [tweet]

I’m looking forward to seeing you on Sunday. Oh! Before I go, as promised, I’ll let you check out our new website (in-progress) [click here]

Aaron Paley
Executive Director and co-founder

A special thanks to all our partners who helped make this happen: City of Los Angeles, the Wasserman Foundation, Metro and our Anonymous Benefactor. Supporters include: the Annenberg Foundation, Ralph M. Parsons Foundation, Rosenthal Family Foundation, Los Angeles County Department of Public Health, County of Los Angeles, Goldhirsh Foundation, David H. Bohnett Foundation and LA 2050.  Sponsors include Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition, Clif Bar, Gavina Coffee, the Los Angeles Department of Water & Power, the Roth Family Foundation, Indie Printing, TERN Bicycles, Southern California Gas Company, Department of Cultural Affairs and Laemmle Charitable Foundation. Media Partners include: Los Angeles Times and Laemmle Theaters.