image001 October 27, 2014

Dear Community Stakeholder:

The Metro Board of Directors is considering changing the name of the North Hollywood Red Line Station to the North Hollywood/Zev Yaroslavsky Red Line Station.

When Metro considers changing station names, we encourage feedback from surrounding area individuals and organizations.  There are several ways to provide comments.

In person at the meeting of the Metro San Fernando Valley Service Council taking place on:

Wednesday, November 5, 2014  6:30 PM
Marvin Braude Constituent Center, Room 1B
6262 Van Nuys Bl
Van Nuys, CA

In writing by sending your comments to me via email at [email protected] or mailing them to:

Lilian De Loza-Gutierrez
San Fernando Valley Area Deputy
One Gateway Plaza, Mail Stop 99-13-1
Los Angeles, CA 90013

Please submit your comments by Friday, November 7, 2014.

A copy of the Board motion regarding this matter and Metro’s Station Naming Policy are attached for your reference.

Staff will report back to the Board of Directors with recommendations and a summary of public comments received.  The Metro Board is currently due to consider and take action on this proposal at their meetings in January 2015.

If you have any other questions or concerns, please call me at 213-922-7479 or email me at the address noted above.


Lilian De Loza-Gutierrez
San Fernando Valley Area Deputy