Step Out

The City of Los Angeles is once again proud to take part in the annual Los Angeles Step Out:
Walk to Stop Diabetes. This 5K walk will take place in spectacular Griffith Park, one of L.A.’s
most famed landmarks, on Saturday, November 15, 2014 at 9:00 am.

More than 700,000 people in Los Angeles County are now living with diabetes, and that
number is increasing every day. We need to come together to slow down this major public
health epidemic. If current trends continue, one-out-of-three American adults will have
diabetes by 2050.

The American Diabetes Association is the leading non-profit health organization dedicated to
preventing and curing diabetes and to improving the lives of the 29 million people currently
living with the disease.

Public education and awareness can help prevent the development of diabetes and its
complications, and funds raised at this Walk will be used locally to fund research, outreach and advocacy.

We need your help! Spread the word on this important community event and encourage your
community to form a Team!

For more information on the Los Angeles Step Out please visit or contact
Beth Cole via email at [email protected]; or by phone at 323-966-2890 ext. 7540.