Recommended Vendors

Are you looking to improve your digital presence, spruce up your website, or create more eye-catching flyers for your events? Want to hire an expert who can help you streamline your social media platforms, create attractive templates for your online content, or manage your newsletter and email lists? Don’t know where to look?

EmpowerLA is putting together a list of approved vendors that can provide consulting services to Neighborhood Councils including web design, social media, digital content, presentations, and graphic design. We are asking Neighborhood Council board members to reach out to the tech experts in their community and encourage them to contact EmpowerLA and become approved vendors. If you know someone who has an amazing skillset and you’d like to work with them, we want to facilitate that by making them approved vendors with the City.

Once complete, the list will include experts in various marketing and outreach tools including: blogging platforms, social media, web design and coding, newsletters and content creation, graphic design, management systems, presentations, as well as offline outreach tools such as event planning and print media. We encourage Neighborhood Councils to connect with specialists that can assist you in developing and implementing outreach and marketing plans and achieve your goals for increasing your impact in the community and engaging your stakeholders.

In the coming weeks, we will be featuring more articles about outreach tools, digital media strategies, and the benefits of combining online and offline methods to boost your marketing efforts and amplify your voice. Once you establish some outreach objectives, you can utilize the approved vendors list to find and connect with the experts who can help you meet and exceed your goals.

Interested parties can apply to be on the vendors list by filling out the forms below.

App A – Local Business Preference Program
App B – Non Collusion Affidavit
App C – Child Support
App E – Contractor Responsibility Ordinance
App F – Business Inclusion Program
Appendix G – Municipal Lobbying Ordinance and CEC Form 50
Appendix H – Bidder Campaign Contributions and Fundraising and CEC Form 55
Appendix I – Standard Provisions for City Contracts
RFQ for Website Development, Website Maintenance and Website Training Insurance Requirements
Exhibit A – Website Enhancement Specifications
Exhibit B – Citywide Website Development and Publication Policy
Exhibit C – Citywide Web Content Policy
RFP for Website Development and Website Maintenance – Final 082114 – Revised