
Metro is hosting a unique pitch-style event exploring technology in public transportation. Join industry experts as they discuss how creative technology could help improve the Metro customer experience. Metro and the Digital Future encourages industry leaders to bring innovative solutions to the city’s public transportation issues and the public to participate and share their opinions on these ideas.

Qualified candidates with relevant experience and a talent for innovation are invited to ‘pitch’ their ideas to a panel of industry experts on one or more of the following transit-specific topics:

Multi-Modal Integration
Bike Sharing
Car Sharing
Autonomous Vehicles

Defining the Station of the Future
Virtual Agents/Kiosks
Concierge Services
Wireless Connectivity

Smart Trip Planning & Next-Gen Fare Payments
Smart Trip Planning
Gamification/Loyalty Programs
Next-Gen Fares

Date: Friday, November 7, 2014
Time: 8:00am – 4:00pm
Location: Metro Headquarters
One Gateway Plaza, 3rd Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90012 [map]

The event is free and open to the public. Registration is required and closed when filled. Space is limited, so early registration is highly recommended.