Mayor's message

Innovation Week Has Arrived

LAIW_300X250_BWe are a city of innovators: a place where artists, entrepreneurs, academics, and creators of all kinds are constantly pushing the boundaries of possibility to bring something new to our city and the world.

That’s why I’m excited for Innovation Week. You can find a full calendar of events here.

Earlier this week, our city was the proud host of City Lab 2014, which brought together over 300 mayors from around the world to talk about the urban future. City Lab chose LA because, as one panelist said, “There’s something happening here. You can feel it.”

During Innovation Week, you’ll be able to see it, hear it, and experience it, too. There are events planned all around Los Angeles showcasing the work of a diverse array of innovators. My team not only helped organize the week, we are actively participating, because we want to harness the innovative spirit found in our communities to find solutions to our most pressing challenges.

See imagination put to work at the events listed here.

Thank you for taking part in re-inventing Los Angeles.