LANCC Meeting
This Saturday
October 18, 2014 10:00AM
LADWP Headquarters
McDonnell, Morris,Tanaka and More

LANCC Sidewalk Survey

A Coalition of Councils
General Meeting
October 18, 2014
10:00 AM

John Ferraro Building
111 North Hope Street
Los Angeles, CA 90012

WEB-BLOG (Notices, etc.):
Send emails (questions, comments):
[email protected]

LANCC Sidewalk Survey
Do not let your great-grandchildren bear the burden. Comment today.

Sidewalk Repair Priorities and Funding Options

The City is discussing a plan to repair our sidewalks.  The City estimates that 4,600 miles (40%) of our 10,750 miles of sidewalks need repair at a cost of $1.5 billion.  However, there is conflicting information which indicates that only 5.6% (600 miles) of our sidewalks have been damaged by trees.

In 1974, the City assumed the responsibility to maintain tree damaged sidewalks.  This overrode a 1911 State law that charged the property owners with the responsibility of maintaining their sidewalks.  Unfortunately, the City failed to maintain the sidewalks because of the lack of funding.

We have prepared a survey which will help us get a better understanding of how we want the City to proceed in its plan to repair our tree damaged sidewalks.

(refer to Council Files 14-0163-S3 and 14-0420-S1).

Please submit your response by no later than October 31, 2014.

Calendar of Events

October 18, 2014 10:00 AM
LANCC Meeting

LADWP Headquarters

McDonnell, Morris, and Tanaka
Bootleg Units
Floodplain Management Plan-2015 Update Process
Congress Wrap Up and Planning For 2015
Keep the Barham Ramp
Planning Department:
Should Small Lot Sub-division Guidelines be followed?
LANCC Elections in January

Has your NC taken a position on:
The homeless veterans?
Budget needs for your community?

The time is now!

Place those items on your agenda and let your
Los Angeles City Council know how your stakeholders feel.