So you’re now a Neighborhood Council board member and suddenly you have a flood of emails coming in from your board, your committees, EmpowerLA and beyond. What do you do with all this information? How do you keep track of it? Attend the TUX Team’s “Amplify Your Klout” workshop at this Saturday’s Congress of Neighborhoods to find out!

This workshop will give you resources and tools to better organize your new life in the Neighborhood Council system, help you outreach to your stakeholders, and stay legal at the same time. This workshop is geared to those who want to know more about how best to use “technology” such as your smart phone, Google, Facebook, Twitter, Nextdoor and Nation Builder as opportunities to connect with your stakeholders and expand your reach in the community, and anyone who would like to amplify their impact in their community. These Empower Tools will equip Neighborhood Council leaders with the latest resources and innovations in civic engagement. Spread your message, connect with your community, engage your partners and organize your Neighborhood Council. Bring your smart phone, tablet, or laptop and get ready to #EmpowerLA.

Don’t forget to register for the Congress of Neighborhoods this Saturday, September 20 at City Hall. The event is free and includes breakfast and lunch.