Mayor's message

Mayor Garcetti to Announce Mayors National Climate Action Agenda With Fellow Mayors Parker and Nutter

Announcement Will Happen on Stage at the 2014 Clinton Global Initiative Annual Meeting

Mayor Eric Garcetti, along with fellow Mayors Annise Parker of Houston and Michael Nutter of Philadelphia, will announce the Mayors National Climate Action Agenda on stage at the 2014 Clinton Global Initiaitve Annual Meeting. The Action Agenda commits mayors to local efforts on reducing greenhouse gas emissions and to supporting efforts for binding federal and global-level policy making.

Forged by the mayors of the largest three cities serving on Preisdent Obama’s Task Force on Climate Preparedness and Resilience, the Mayors National Climate Action Agenda seeks to by-pass the gridlock in Washington to fight climate change in cities, where the majority of greenhouse gas emissions occur. The mayors of the first three cities to commit to the Action Agenda– Los Angeles, Houston, and Philadelphia– will work to enlist other cities across the nation to adopt the Angenda.

“Our cities are on the front lines of the impacts of climate change, with 70% of emissions in the US from cities–mayors must confront this challenge not only at the local level, but also by calling for binding emission reductions at the federal and global level,” said Mayor Garcetti. “I look forward to working with Mayors Parker and Nutter to galvanize our fellow mayors across the nation to join us.”

The Mayors National Climate Action Agenda includes:

  • Calling for binding emission reductions at the US federal level as well as a global emission reductions agreement
  • Engaging in and supporting activities leading up to and during the 2015 negotiations in Paris to support the Obama Administration and other parties to create a global agreement;
  • Establishing and regularly reporting annually or bi-annually a municipal and community-wide greenhouse gas inventory, while supporting standardization of municipal and community-wide inventories and reporting
  • Establishing, or renewing, an existing aggressive greenhouse gas emissions reduction target for both the near term and long term
  • Developing, or updating, a community climate action plan, which identifies specific strategies for meeting the emissions reduction target as well as tying mitigation with adaptation measures where possible
  • Committing to finding an appropriate offset project(s), working collectively to remove barriers, and expanding offsets available to municipalities offered by the Climate Action Reserve, and other measures through the California cap and trade system (or other existing system)
  • Ensuring climate equity and environmental justice is prioritized in climate action plans