
The Next CicLAvia event is almost here! Join thousands of cyclists and walkers from across Los Angeles on Sunday, October 5 as we celebrate another car-free day on the streets of LA. The event will return to the Heart of LA from 9:00 a.m – 4:00 p.m. with an almost entirely new route.

Heart of LA will cross through downtown LA along parts of the first CicLAvia route, but will extend into new areas like Echo Park, the Historic Broadway Theater District, and through Boyle Heights all the way into the County of Los Angeles and into East Los Angeles. The latter part of the route is made possible through the support of Los Angeles County Supervisor Gloria Molina and a grant from Metro.

The route will feature a pedestrian zone in the Broadway Theater District, a kids zone at the East LA Civic Center and will cross paths with the Festival of Philippine Arts & Culture, which is being held in Grand Park. If you live along the route, you can find information about the event and how it will affect you by following this link.

CicLAvia catalyzes vibrant public spaces, active transportation and good health through car-free streets. CicLAvia engages with people to positively transform our relationship with our communities and with each other. It makes the streets safe for people to walk, skate, play and ride a bike. There are activities along the route, and shop owners and restaurants are encouraged to open their doors to people along the CicLAvia.

Ciclovías started in Bogotá, Colombia, over thirty years ago as a response to the congestion and pollution of city streets. Now they happen throughout Latin America and the United States, connecting communities and giving people a break from the stress of car traffic. The health benefits are immense. Ciclovías bring families outside of their homes to enjoy the streets, our largest public space. In Los Angeles, where our streets are congested with traffic, our air is polluted with toxic fumes, and our children suffer from obesity and other health conditions caused by the scarcity of public space and safe, healthy transportation options, we need CicLAvia now more than ever. CicLAvia creates a temporary park for free, simply by removing cars from city streets. It creates a network of connections between our neighborhoods and businesses and parks with corridors filled with fun. We can’t wait to see you at CicLAvia!