7th Annual Valley Disaster Preparedness Fair

What: 7th Annual Valley Disaster Preparedness Fair
When: Saturday, September 27, 2014, 10:00 am – 2:00 pm
Where: Fire Station 87, 10124 Balboa Blvd., Granada Hills (between Devonshire St. and Lassen St.), in the REAR of the station
Why: Disaster and emergency preparedness information, demonstrations, exhibitors, activities for kids, free food (while supplies last)
Cost: It’s all free

Would you like to send a ham radio Radiogram to your emergency out-of-state contact? Want to get a free Child ID (photo and fingerprint) for your young children? Want to learn how to harness the sun for cooking? Learn how to use a fire extinguisher? Find out what CERT is? Well, then come to the Valley’s largest Disaster Preparedness Fair on Sept. 27. We’ll have all that, and much more at this free Whole Community Preparedness event.

Here’s just some of what’s in store for you on Saturday:

  • Have a seat in the Shakey-Quakey Schoolhouse earthquake simulator
  • Learn about free Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) classes, and how CERT can prepare you for emergencies and disasters
  • Discover how Map Your Neighborhood, in about 2 hours, can teach you and your neighbors what to do immediately after our next big earthquake
  • Get preparedness information from the Red Cross, the Gas Company, LADWP, and others
  • Learn how to be safe around electricity from LADWP’s electric diorama (live demonstration of electrical safety—with sparks!)
  • Learn and practice sidewalk (compression-only) CPR, and how to properly use a fire extinguisher to put out a fire
  • Talk with members of volunteer emergency response organizations like California Emergency Mobile Patrol (CEMP), Civil Air Patrol (CAP), and Amateur Radio Emergency Services (ARES)
  • Learn about preparing your pets for disasters and emergencies
  • Walk through the LAPD Command Vehicle
  • Visit the ham radio station (K6D) and send a radiogram to your out-of-state emergency contact
  • Sample Dutch oven cooking
  • Talk with representatives from various public and private service agencies such as CHP, LAPD, LA Sheriff, animal rescue organizations, and emergency preparedness product vendors
  • Show off your Drop, Cover and Hold On skills during our earthquake drill

The fire station will be open and active during the Fair, and you’ll have plenty of opportunity to talk with the firefighters and paramedics while getting a good look around.

The first 500 families to register at the Fair will receive a free Family Emergency Preparedness Kit containing essential supplies and information. Around 11:30 am there’ll be free hot dogs, burgers, and veggie burgers prepared by the Kiwanis Club of Chatsworth and served from a Red Cross Emergency Response Vehicle (ERV), just as in a real wide-spread disaster (until the food runs out). For further information, please email [email protected]. There is no charge for anything at the Fair.

Free parking is available BEHIND the shops and stores just north of the fire station, along Balboa Blvd, and you’ll be able to walk through the gate in the middle of the wall between the parking lot and the fire station. Please do not park in the stores’ front lot. NO parking at the fire station. The entire Fair is at the rear of the station.

This annual event is supported by your local Neighborhood Councils and Councilmember Mitchell Englander, with various City, State, and Federal agency participation, and is co-sponsored by the Patriot Oil Community Benefit Trust Fund (administered by the North Valley Coalition).