USGS Earthquake Early Warning System

The USGS has developed a prototype earthquake early warning system that they hope to deploy in California as soon support is received for running the instruments and software. As part of this program, we want want to create apps to deliver earthquake early warnings in a way that will help people use the information effectively. You can help by taking this survey from the University of Kentucky so we can understand how people process earthquake information.

NOTE: Some of the questions are repetitive – this is to make sure you are really reading the questions, so please have patience.

Take the survey here.

You will be asked to view an app simulation and answer some survey questions. Although the questions may seem redundant, we do need you to answer all of them thoughtfully to be useful to our analysis. Even if you take time to consider each question carefully, it will take less than 15 minutes to complete.

Also, based on what we learning from the survey results, follow-up may be needed via a brief interview (phone or Skype) or focus group. Would you be willing to participate? If so, send an email to our research partner indicating such; her email address is [email protected].

Again, thank you for helping us with this important work.