City Attorney Mike Fueur and CM O'farrell photo by Edwin Folven

Los Angeles City Attorney Mike Feuer has suspended tobacco sales at 14 retailers for 30 days as part of his attempt to crack down on establishments selling tobacco products to minors.

In the local area, the licenses to sell tobacco were suspended at the Beverly 76 gas station at 4700 Beverly Blvd. and at K.S. Union 76 gas station, located at 4000 W. 6th St. Both gas stations are located near Western Avenue, and are within a half mile of schools such as St. James’ Episcopal School and Harvard Elementary School. During the suspensions, the retailers are not allowed to display, sell or offer for sale any tobacco products, Feuer said.

Each of the retailers whose licenses were suspended had been caught selling tobacco products to minors. Feuer said officials conduct undercover operations at the sites in which minors attempt to purchase cigarettes and other tobacco products.

“Tobacco use is harmful, and sales to kids is illegal. Selling tobacco to minors is a serious offense,” Feuer said. “With a neighborhood-focused approach, my office is committed to systematically and effectively curtailing tobacco sales to minors.” (Continue reading at ParkLabreaNewsBeverlyPress)